January 17, 2014

Take Your Medicine

Ya know, sometimes I have an ABie that just doesn’t want to listen and do as they are told.  They whine or do naughty things or have themselves a little temper tantrum.  This I simply won’t put up with.   Of course this lands them over my knee for a swift and harsh spanking.  But that’s not all – oh noooo.  Afterwards it’s time for them to take their medicine: a very large dose of castor oil.  Then I just sit back and watch the “medicine” do its work.  I watch […]
November 17, 2013

Get Your Checkup with Nurse Betty!

I have just been sooo busy getting all my little ABies their fall checkups! So many sweet little ones to take care of! I have to make sure that all their little bottoms are diaper rash free and they’re all feeling healthy and happy. Adult babies can be very fussy when it comes to getting a checkup with Nurse Betty, so I have to make sure that my little ones are at ease so I can take care of them properly. I find that it’s the little things that put […]
November 3, 2011

Flu Season = Check up Time

So it is that time of year and you know what that means…it means time to visit with your Nurse Betty and get your flu shot! I know you abdl’s dont like to shots but it is important in keeping you all healthy so dont delay call and keep sick days away! Nurse Betty Specializing in: Medical Roleplay – Nurse-Patient – Sex Education – Examinations – Enemas
October 16, 2011

Enema Day

Today is dirty diaper day for Nurse Betty. I am ready to make you all clean and fresh from where you soiled your diaper. Of corse we will give you a naughty check-up and clean you out inside first with an enema. You know the nurse has to do this because I am old fashioned and believe the most important thing is to be clean! After I get your clean diaper on you must not soil it or Nurse Betty will be forced to give punishment and my punishment you […]
July 24, 2011

Medical Fetish

Mizz. Rebecca is doing exams on all you little ones and sissys. We need to begin the New Year right and first thing first, Line up and drop them pants. Then hop up onto my examination table. We will begin with a rectal exam moving next to the scrotum, Now lie back and stay very still, my assistant will be administering the IV and checking your blood pressure throughout the procedure. Oh you find my assistant cute do you, your little wee wee is sure taking notice. Well if Mizz. […]
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