November 4, 2013

Adult baby and his magic milking fetish

      My Adult baby Ferris really like’s milking from mommy. He came to my place and he was  a grown up but after he drank my magic milk he turned into a little one! He suckle’s from her big round nipple’s and smile’s as his mommy burp’s him. What a hungry ab he is Ferris fill’s his diaper before he get’s done with his mommy milk. Mommy can smell that messy diaper maybe I will just keep you in that soiled nappy. Bet you would not want to […]
June 24, 2011

Naughty Nanny!

If Mommy only knew what goes on when she leaves her little abie at Nanny Ella’s Nursery! Nanny loves to play naughty with little abies. Come sit on my lap, sweety. I’ll snuggle you and cuddle you while you nuzzle into my chest. I’m going to unbutton my blouse and open the front so you can press your warm cheek against my soft tits and find my nipple with that sweet, wet little mouth. It feels so good that it gets me thinking all kinds of dirty thoughts and when […]
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