November 19, 2010

diaper shopping

OK so who wants to shop with me the day after Thanksgiving? Are you brave enough to go out on Black Friday? You know what? On second thought who wants to avoid Black Friday with me? I may change my mind again though you never can tell about a woman and her shopping plans. All of those full parking lots, very long lines? It sounds like the bathrooms will be hell and there could be a good reason to go diapered. New plan! Happy Thanksgiving, Mommy Lexus
November 5, 2010


Momma has a Lolli for you little sissy pants. Mommy’s lolli is her strapon dildo. I’ve told all of my lady friends about how you whimper when I put it in your face and that you really like being my sissy boyfriend who sucks dick. What they don’t know yet is that you’re a diapered sissy baby boy. So far that’s our little secret and if you want to keep it that way you’ll keep sucking my dildo like the lollipop that it is honey. Momma Shirley
June 30, 2010

mommy locks you up

Every time Mommy catches you playing with your diaper I wonder something. It makes me wonder if you could benefit from me making touching your wee wee off limits. It seems to be taking up a lot of your time lately. So I ordered you this chastity belt. Little ones should not be playing with themselves so much. Now this way it’s up to Mommy when you do it. What is that? You don’t want your girlfriend to know? It was partly her decision, what do you think about that? […]
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