August 8, 2021

Mommy’s Good Girl

    Do you have a sissy fetish?  Do you dream about being dominated by a mommy and being dressed up as a pretty little princess?  Does you clitty get hard and start to throb and drip with thoughts of being made into mommy’s little girl?  Mmmm very very good! Mommy Candy likes dressing up her pretty little girl and parading you around for all to see.  And through forced feminization, mommy can do just that.  Mommy has lots of outfits to choose from, so many cute dresses with matching […]
May 24, 2021

Tawny’s Sweet Sissy Girl Pearl

It was a secret that he thought that he was hiding from Tawny, his step mommy but she knew all along that Harper was a sissy.  He would sneak to try on her clothes when she went to work and she always knew that they were tampered with when she retuned home. One day she pretended to go to work and Harper was still home.  She thought that it would be great to walk in on him and surprise him by catching him in the act.  So she was sticking […]
February 7, 2021

The Mystery Of The Missing Diaper

It was bedtime and Brenda’s sissy baby Tianna was hiding in her crib under a pink satin pillow that Aunt Brenda had placed in her crib. Aunt Brenda saw her playing this peekaboo crib game and she went to her and removed the pink pillow and told sissy Tianna that it was that favorite time of the night when she told her the best diaper sissy stories for the night.  Aunt Brenda took her sissy baby out of the crib temporarily and made sure that she fed her baby warm […]
September 16, 2020

A Great Big Giant Sissy Shitter Gets Punished

So, do you really think that Dommy Mommy Scarlet is going to overlook the fact that you woke up with a giant load of shit in your diaper and some of it leaked out on your pretty princess sissy dress and then got mushed inside of your crib?  Absolutely not! This is the third time this week that this has happened and you will be punished for it.  Since you are a little sissy slut that has no consideration at all and it also appears to me that you have […]
November 20, 2016

Want To Go Dress Shopping Part 2

now we put on your plastic panties and then some pretty white pantyhose right then a pretty hello kitty skirt and shirt that barely fits you! Now let’s grab your shoes and slide them on you and then your diaper bag and cup. Now its time to put you in your car seat and strap you in all nice and cozy! Now we are backing out of the driveway and we have a couple of stores we are going to go to the first one we pull into is old […]
July 3, 2016

Public Punishment

So let me tell you how my date went the other night ! We went out to eat. By the way ,  I am a very demanding date! I gotta be in control at all times! Don’t think about making any decisions without me making them for you! Well, when was getting ready to leave i slipped him a bright pink package and told him to open it, right here at the table. Once he opened it he pulled out a pair of sheer pink panties and a nice butt […]
February 7, 2016

Spankings from Mommy

Part of being a mommy is even having to take care of the small stuff. When you are a diaper lover, you tend to think that you can backtalk your mommy because you are more mature than your adult baby brothers and sisters. This abdl mommy is here to remind you that this is most certainly not the case! When you have decided to submit and seek out a loving mommy to take care of you and change your diapers for you, you have also let her know that she […]
January 31, 2016

Stinky, Sagging Diaper

Sometimes, an abdl mommy does not have to do a thorough diaper check to see if their adult babies have left a mess for them in their diapers… Sometimes, all it takes is a mommy looking up from her magazine to see her little one waddling around with a bulging diaper swinging and swaying between their knees. My is that full! Sometimes, even worse, a mommy will not even have to look to see that full diaper… Sometimes her nose tells her all that she needs to know when the […]
January 20, 2016

Nursery Tales with Nanny Ella – Chapter 2

Hello my little ABDLs, I hope you are ready for more Nursery Stories! Now, I wonder what happened next… I stood for a few minutes after my boyfriend revealed his secret, that he was an Adult Baby, and he wore diapers when we weren’t together – sneaking them at work, or when I was out and about. My head was spinning a bit, so I sat down. I will admit, it took me a few minutes to recover…heck, maybe even a few days…But I’ve always been adventurous…and well, I guess […]
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