August 29, 2013


Once upon a time… Once upon a time there was a sweet and loving Mommy named Gina. Mommy Gina dearly loved adult babies. Her whole house was full of diapered adult babies and sissies and all their wondrous toys. She had one whole room to change their diapers and to powder their cute little tushies – that room was always very very busy! There was another room that was full of nothing but high chairs so she and all her friends could feed the ABies too. And of course there […]
June 7, 2011

ab Mommy’s playtime

  I’ve put my abie boy in diapers and into his crib and now it is ab Mommy‘s playtime. Someone is being naughty though and has slipped out of their crib and into their Mommy’s doorway. You aren’t supposed to see Mommy laying on her tummy in bed and rubbing her special toy over her panties and her butt. Once I bathed you and got you diapered you were supposed to sleep for Mommy so she could have some time to herself. There you are though rubbing the front of […]
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