June 7, 2013

Mommy Gets a New Baby Girl

Timmy, my 15 year old son had known how sad Mommy had been because I was never able to have a baby girl. Some one I could dress in pretty things, gossip about boys with, and pass on all my beauty secrets to. After much thought, I devised a plan that would show my boy how he could make me feel better. I had went shopping all day, and it must have been kismet,  because I was able to find everything I needed for my new little girl all in his size! […]
May 10, 2013

Pay Tribute to your ABDL Mommy

Mothers are everything for us when we are small…our lives revolve around her. For everything that we need, we require, we call mommy. She is the one that protects us from all dangers, both perceivable and unperceivable; she is the one that makes everything right again, that makes us smile and giggle in a world of fear and doubt. Mommy is the one that holds our hand and lets us know she is there for us.  When we need someone to kiss away a boo-boo and make it all better, […]
April 19, 2013

Did My Adult Baby Have a Bad Dream?

Aww, ya know, everybody has bad dreams from time to time.  With all the scary things we are exposed to, how could anyone not?  But don’t worry, you know that when ever you have a bad dream, your AB Mommy will always be here to chase away the creepies and scaries and things that go bump in the night.  I will let you crawl into my bed under the covers, and snuggle up close to mommy.  Wrapping you in my arms, I will pull you close against my bosom, and […]
March 28, 2013

Happy Egg Day

Just wanted to wish all my adult babies, sissies, and diaper lovers out there a Happy Easter, and give you a little reminder – don’t forget to double check those Easter eggs!  Don’t want a bunch of tye-dyed, hippie type chicks running around, do we?  Next thing ya know there’s a funny smell coming from the coop, and a bunch of chickens running around with a severe case of the munchies, scratching “make love, not omelets” in the dirt.  NOT something you want to witness, trust me, hehe!!  Well anyways […]
March 9, 2013

Surprise Sissy Baby Make Over

I love surprising someone when I inform them of their new role of not just an abie, but of a sissy baby! I tell them that they are the guest of honor at a baby shower, and lead them to their newly decorated nursery, complete with a pink crib and all the frilly trimmings! They have the most cutest, dumbfounded looks on their faces when they realize that this is going to be their new life, hehe. I just pat them on their heads, take them by the hand, and […]
February 14, 2013

To all my Sissies, Diaper Lovers, and Abies Alike

Today is a day to let that special someone (or someones) in your life know what they mean to you.  And I am no exception!  I love being a mommy and taking care of all my special little ones, and I wanted to let all of you know how near and dear I hold every single one of you in my heart. You bring this mommy so much joy and happiness, giggles and laughs, as well as challenges and dilemmas.  And through it all I wouldn’t trade one single minute […]
January 26, 2013

Mommy’s Panties

You were going to just ask if you could have a snack, but just as you were about to push on the door that was left ajar, you decide to peek in first instead.  With the door open a few inches, you could clearly see mommy standing there, her back to you, as she unzips her dress.  You see her pink panties, her pink garter belt.  As she slides her dress off her shoulders it puddles around her feet; she steps out of it, and walks over to her vanity. […]
January 5, 2013

Diaper Fetish

It never surprises me how many people really enjoy the diaper fetish. There is something so naturally wonderful about changing someone in diapers. It is just a hot process where we can totally connect and I love how turned on you get from all the processes. It is so much more than just wearing them and I can always spot someone who is into the lifestyle because they revel in every step, every nuance. You know that, my diaper lover. You know the first time you ever bought diapers. You […]
December 15, 2012

A Grinchy Kind of Christmas

I saw these and thought they would be a perfect Christmas present for a few certain babies I know!  They can be a bit on the grouchy side sometimes, so I thought these would bring a smile to their faces (I know they brought one to mine).  I can just see them running around Christmas morning adorning these – waddling about with this puffy diaper covering their lil tushies and a matching bib to boot!  Sooo adorable! Have a great holiday all you little ones! Mommy Gina 1.888.430.2010
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