January 23, 2010

Cinderella Crib

Isn’t this just beautiful? It’s a Cinderella Crib, I’m telling you my ovaries are in over drive looking at this. Makes me want to go out right now and get preggie so I can have a baby girl, or a sweet little sissy *smiles* Can you see yourself being placed into this every night? Think about the sort of dreams you would have. This crib is what fairy tales are made of. Mommy Liz 1-888-430-2010
January 16, 2010

Tell Me Your Secrets

We all have them. Those delicious secrets we keep hidden away just for ourselves to dive into. We sit around and think about wonderful places, what we would do if we were someone else, how our life would be better if we had more money, and then we have those secrets that we can never speak. You know exactly what I am talking about, every one has them. Perhaps they are embarrassing, or those around you wouldn’t understand if you allowed yourself to mention the secret. I want to know […]
November 1, 2009

Adult Crib

I love looking at furniture, adult furniture especially. I really like this crib. I can only imagine how much love and attention went into making it. You can tell they enjoyed making it, the long hours, all the crafting, putting the rungs on the sides. I hope this person gets a lot of business because from this picture it looks like they do very nice work. Lizabeth 1~888~430~2010
October 25, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone has plans to go out on Halloween, I will be waiting at my door with lots of candy for the Trick or Treaters. I enjoy looking at the costumes, espeically all the princesses and fairies. Tinkerbell is hot this year so I’m thinking I will see a lot of tinks at my door. What will you be doing? How will you dress up this year? Be safe and don’t eat too much candy! Liz 1-888-430-2010
October 18, 2009


Sunday, a day to relax and watch people get their butts kicked. What more could you ask for? I enjoy a good game of Football, and please do not think that because I live in Texas that I like the Cowboys, because I don’t! I know that’s a major sin here, but bring on the angry mob. Anyone that could keep T.O., or even pick him up for goodness sake is a joke in my book. Maybe T.O. just needs to wear some Rhumba panties, a short belly shirt with […]
October 11, 2009

Sissy Training

There is more to training a sissy then being harsh and doling out punishments. Although punishing a sissy is great fun, it need to be in balance with praise and affection. Otherwise what is the point? A Domme/Mommy should be strong in demeanor and never giving in. The sissy need guidance and needs to learn rules and proper ettiquette and what is expected of them at all times. Never left to become complacient or comfortable, keep them on their high heeled toes so to speak. I love sissies, I have […]
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