September 6, 2013

Fully Fledged Sissy

I absolutely adore this art form.  It is beautiful, isn’t it? The tradition is for brides to have their hands and feet done in a Mehndi design in henna.  I love the idea of it launching a girl into womanhood.  I think it would be a lovely thing to have done to a sissy who has gone through all of her sissy training and is ready to embrace their girlie, sissy identity.  Wouldn’t you feel extra special garnishing such intricate, beautiful designs?  Then everyone would know that you were a […]
August 9, 2013

Diaper Discipline: Diapered and Bound

There is such a wide array of Adult Babies and Diaper lovers alike. There are the sweet and loving ones – those that can be left to their own devices, perfectly content to entertain themselves as long as they know mommy is around.  There are the playful and rambunctious ones – they like to have mommy close, playing and sharing in the daily activities, in need of a wide array of activities to burn off all their seemingly never-ending supply of energy.  And then there are those that are down […]
July 11, 2013

AB Mommy and Abie Go to the Beach

I love the summer months for one main reason – the beach.  I’m a water baby so I always look forward to spending time at the beach, and Mommy has several new bikinis to wear!  And just like me, my sweet Abie just loves to spend the day at the beach as well.  I make sure that I pack his little swimmers diapers, along with lots of toys to play in the sand with.  Now of course I’m careful to rub plenty of sun block on his delicate skin, and […]
June 18, 2013

Sissy Sweater

Mommy Maggie was telling me all about how she wanted to send you to Summer Camp, so when I was shopping the other day and saw this sweater I just knew it would be perfect for a sissy like you! Even though it’s summer time, the nights do get chilly sometimes, so this little sweater with the peenie on it will be just the thing to keep the chill away. And, it will announce to everyone how much your little sissy self adores penis! I can’t wait to see how […]
June 13, 2013

ABie in a Bag

Well now, isn’t this just the most perfect item!  I think every AB Mommy should have one of these in her arsenal, don’t you?  First it’s pink (who doesn’t like pink?); secondly, it latex (mmmm, the way it feels to the touch, against the skin, the sound it makes – need I say anything more about it?).  Third, it keeps rambunctious and less-then-willing adult babies and sissies (for that matter, ANYONE who is need of a serious time out) safe and secure and immobilized (can’t have our little one trying […]
May 18, 2013

Hypnotized: Fall under Mommy’s Spell

You thought you were a grown man: strong, powerful, independent.  But then you met me, and all that came into question.  The more you spent time in my company, the more you slipped under my spell.  As you would listen to the soft caress of my voice and peer into my eyes, you became lost in them, in me.  I lull you into compliance as I start the process of your age regression, hypnotically regressing you back further and further, until you are my darling little one.  The memory of […]
April 26, 2013

Sissification Phone Sex: Play Date

You wanna look so pretty for mommy don’t you?  So does Mommy.  I want you to wear a pretty little dress for all the boys in the neighborhood. We can watch them and you can pick out your favorite boy to play with.  Of course he’ll come over on a “play” date and Mommy will teach you how to be an irresistible little gurl for him.  How lucky he will be won’t he?  He’ll get to play with you (and maybe even Mommy) and he’ll find out exactly how much fun we […]
April 4, 2013

The Deconstruction of a Diaper Wearing Adult-Baby

Now I realize that you look upon yourself as a man’s man – a man who commands respect of all those around you, having prestige and power and making decisions effecting all those around you.  But let’s take a closer look at that analogy, shall we?  You may see a man with many responsibilities when you look in the mirror, but I see the truth; I see a diaper wearing Adult Baby.  So let’s make a few comparisons and see who is right, shall we?   Does a man’s man […]
February 21, 2013

Taboo Phone Play: Just a Peek

Mommy sees how curious you are getting about your changing body…about girls and how they are different from boys.  I’ve seen you trying to sneak a peek down my blouse or under my dress when I bend over…honestly it gives me a little tickle, hehe.  So when I catch you trying to sneak a peek at me, I confront you; instead of getting angry, I ask you if you would like to take a peek and see how mommies are different from little boys (after all, if it isn’t up […]
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