November 6, 2010

My Special Necklace

Like my necklace? Isn’t it pretty? It’s very special. Do you know what I like to keep in my special necklace? Something that a dear friend of mine supplies me with. My dear friend you ask? Oh well now, her name is Momma Katanya, and she is a Voodoo Priestess down in New Orleans. And what, pray tell, are the contents of my special necklace used for? Why to keep little ones like yourselves perfectly still, yet completely alert as to what is happening to them, naturally. You see, I […]
October 23, 2010

Rocking Horse

Where shall we ride off to today? Perhaps to the plains of the wide, wide west, driving a herd to auction? Maybe to Arabia and its hot desert sands, with your horse as your only companion? You could be the star of a rodeo show, roping calves and riding the bronco. But where ever you choose to ride off today, Mommy’s love will always be with you! Mommy Maggy 1*888*430*2010
October 9, 2010

Steam Power

Well, here we go, yet another interesting antique.  What people can’t cook up!  To think, the first fucking machine was steam powered!  Wow!  Now you know it was some guy, locked up in his little workshop, thinking, “Hmm, now how can I make this dildo hands-free so I can get the sensation of a real good ass-fucking?”  Or maybe it was a desperate husband that only had a wet noodle between his legs, and needed to find a way to satisfy his wife.  Can you imagine, one of these puppies […]
August 28, 2010

Kitty in a Box

Ok, once again I am finding myself saying  “Awwwwww!”, but now it’s also followed with a big grin and a chuckle.  Seems our wittle kitties have grown and graduated for cups to boxes, hehe.  These two are trouble makers, I can see it in their cute little twitching noses.  Mommy kitty must have her paws full with these two!  I wonder if she has a little kitty paddle to deal with them, lol! Mommy Maggie 1*888*430*2010
August 15, 2010

Little Swimmers

I saw these and I thought how cute!! Little swimmers for big babies! Perfect for the beach or the town pool, hehehe. I would lay you down on the blanket, take off you regular diaper (yes, in front of everyone there), and put on your little swimmers. Then after some water fun, I would lay you down once again, get you all dried off (and yes, in front of every one there again), and put a fresh, thick diaper on again. Then some cuddle time while I nurse you, and […]
July 31, 2010

My Kinda Crib

Ok, so here’s another gem of an antique. No big crib that locks for my little ones – ohh noooooo!! Hehe. Just enough room to lie down and keep still. I dare say, they did know how to punish little ones back in the day. No squirming allowed here; heck, no squirming here is possible. Can you imagine, laying in here, unable to move, just wetting over and over again, not being able to avoid the rash and bed sores from forming, at the mercy of your keeper. Ya know, […]
July 17, 2010


…yes my dear, part of your sissy training is learning how to be with a man – how to please him, how to touch him, how to react to his touch. Now don’t worry, I’ll be there to guide you through the whole process. I’ll be instructing you how to use your mouth, your sissy hole, your hands, to pleasure whom ever I bring to you, when ever I bring them to you. You will be instructed how to be the perfect little girl, to do as you are told […]
July 3, 2010

Happy Fourth!

Can you believe it? It’s the fourth already! Hope everyone is having a great time – picnics, barbeques, sprinklers and pools, and of course fireworks (I personally look forward to the water balloon fights)! But remember to be safe and take it easy on the “adult” drinks (or as one Abie says, adult apple juice, hehe). Happy Fourth of July!! Mommy Maggie 1*888*430*2010
June 19, 2010

Potty or Torture Chair?

Ok, I have to admit it; I have a fascination with interesting and unusual antiques, items, and old pieces. So it’s no surprise that this old potty chair caught my eye. The fact that there are  straps really peak my interests. Such diabolical torture that must have been taken place in this chair – makes me all a giggle, hehehehe! I’m thinking a triple dose of castor oil and then strap them down for the day! Perhaps even a strategical placement in the public eye!   Mommy Maggy 1*888*430*2010
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