January 28, 2011

Sissy Pin Up

Isn’t this outfit so gorgeous? I want to put a sissy in something like this and take them for a photo shoot. Even better than that I would like to have twelve sissies to dress up like this and have them pose for Ms. Shirley’s Sissy Pin Up calendar. The we could have contests to see who was on each month. The best kisser for example might be on February for Valentine’s Day. The sissy who looked best in a swim suit would get June or August. The possibilities are […]
November 19, 2010

diaper shopping

OK so who wants to shop with me the day after Thanksgiving? Are you brave enough to go out on Black Friday? You know what? On second thought who wants to avoid Black Friday with me? I may change my mind again though you never can tell about a woman and her shopping plans. All of those full parking lots, very long lines? It sounds like the bathrooms will be hell and there could be a good reason to go diapered. New plan! Happy Thanksgiving, Mommy Lexus
November 5, 2010


Momma has a Lolli for you little sissy pants. Mommy’s lolli is her strapon dildo. I’ve told all of my lady friends about how you whimper when I put it in your face and that you really like being my sissy boyfriend who sucks dick. What they don’t know yet is that you’re a diapered sissy baby boy. So far that’s our little secret and if you want to keep it that way you’ll keep sucking my dildo like the lollipop that it is honey. Momma Shirley
August 4, 2010

diapered abie girls

  Every so often I hear from a biological girl who wants a momy to make her into her diaper wearing baby. Sometimes it is even a DL just wanting to speak to another woman about her fetish. Sure they can call the daddies and boy DL’s here, but sometimes they just want a woman. I’ve never had a baby girl of my own in real life so it’s pleasing to get to play with them at phoneamommy. I treat them just like the baby girls they are inside. I […]
June 30, 2010

mommy locks you up

Every time Mommy catches you playing with your diaper I wonder something. It makes me wonder if you could benefit from me making touching your wee wee off limits. It seems to be taking up a lot of your time lately. So I ordered you this chastity belt. Little ones should not be playing with themselves so much. Now this way it’s up to Mommy when you do it. What is that? You don’t want your girlfriend to know? It was partly her decision, what do you think about that? […]
May 19, 2010

adult plastic panties

Tommy loves his Mommy putting him in plastic pants. It started out as punishment because he kept wetting in the bed he shared with his wife. Finally she came to the realization Tommy is just a big baby who has no business in briefs when sleeping. So every night she puts him in cloth diapers and plastic pants, Easy enough solution to the problem right? I thought so. Talking to his wife and Mommy was wonderful, it felt good to be able to help her and to help Tommy. Adult […]
March 4, 2010

a true friend

  People on the phone and online ask me all of the time if my friends know what I am into or what I do (being a phoneamommy). Some of them do, and the ones I can trust with that are my true friends. It’s not so much that I think the others would hate me for it, but they are a bit close minded and may not understand and therefore judge. I am sure you all have friends like that, like both actually. I used to think that if […]
February 26, 2009

Cookies & Milk!

Well now guess what Mommy Lauren has been up today? You guessed it making my extra special cookies for my extra special darlings! Do you like my new purple apron? I always have plenty of pretty aprons to wear when I cook and well Mommy L has some for you to wear also if you like. OOPS gotta get the cookies out of the oven before they burn…hehe can’t wait to share them with you.
February 5, 2009

Play Time with Mommy Lauren

Mommy Lauren’s Specialties: Pampering – ABDL – Cloth Diapers – Nursing – Coddling Good morning my precious little darlings I have been oh so busy working on my new playroom. Mommy Lauren has lot’s and lot’s of special suprises for you and I cant wait to play! Why dont you come sit on my lap with a soft, warm blankie and take your milk that you love so much? I’m always ready to feed my darling angels it makes me so happy to see my milk dribble down your cute […]
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