November 14, 2009

Fall is Here!

This is truly my favorite time of year! I love the change in the weather, it sparks up my enthusiasm and I bubble over with energy from the briskness in the air. We get to bundle up in our finest fall attire, polished off with our stylishly swank accessories of scarves, boots, and gloves. Shopping for all those gifts and goodies then grabbing a bite out with a friend. Baking, drinking, and laughing while the holiday music plays in the background. Snuggling in front of the fireplace, drinking hot toddies […]
November 1, 2009

Adult Crib

I love looking at furniture, adult furniture especially. I really like this crib. I can only imagine how much love and attention went into making it. You can tell they enjoyed making it, the long hours, all the crafting, putting the rungs on the sides. I hope this person gets a lot of business because from this picture it looks like they do very nice work. Lizabeth 1~888~430~2010
October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween

 I want all my lil ones to be careful out there on Halloween night.  Have lots of fun and send me lots of pictures of all your great costumes. I always get lots of great ideas for role plays from some of the costumes I see on Halloween. So make sure you drop me an email, see what I have come up with. Josie
October 22, 2009

A Hauntingly Good Tale!

Gather round my phone a mommy friend’s, I have a tale to tell. About a journey we shall make, if you are so compelled. Listen up and follow me, deep into the woods, now don’t be frightened my friend, my pal, for Mommy Sara will be your guide. Just hold my hand, tightly now, keeping close at Mommies side. Quickly, let us follow the trail up around the bend, past the brook, down the hill to where the gravel ends. Slowly, the next jaunt will be steep, Shhhhhhh…… danger is […]
July 23, 2009

Time to nurse Abie

Mommy Lauren has so much milk right now i’m leaking all over the front of my dress. Come a lil closer sweet Abie get on my lap and let me feed you. Awwww what a sweet darling you are Mommy Lauren luvs to hold you close and let you nurse. Hurry Abie i’m waiting… ~~~Muah Muah~~~~ Lauren
June 18, 2009

Let’s play with Play Dough!

Hi sweetie Mommy Laurenis ready for you to come on over and make some fun stuff with my play dough! hehe Lookie just lookie what I made for my ABIEI bet you can make some really neat stuff too! Let’s Play Today ok? Muah..Hugs & kisses, Lauren
June 11, 2009

Happy Thirsty Thursday!

Hello Darlings, Just wanted to say “Happy Thursday” or maybe “Happy Thirsty Thursday” hope all your bottles are full and your relaxing happily in your diapers. If anyone is in need of a nice full breast of warm, sweet, Lauren milk then please feel free to give me a call I have plenty on tap …always… Muah! Lauren
May 21, 2009

The Bubble Game

So, Mommy Lauren was shopping yesterday and just happened to stumble upon an entire isle of bubbles & various wands. I was thinking wouldn’t be fun to play bubble games? Cum on over we will get you all fixed up in your diapey and have some real fun today. Wanna see who can blow the biggest bubble without it popping? If you win Mommy will give you a big suprise hehe! Huggies & Kissies, Mommy Lauren
April 9, 2009

Sweet Warm Mommy Lauren Milk

It’s time for you to come suckle on my breasts…oh Mommy Lauren is ready to feed you, hold you and rock you. Come climb up in my nice soft bed and cuddle hurry I’m waiting for you ! hehe Luv, Mommy L.
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