February 17, 2011

Breastfeeding Fetish

Mommy Lauren loves to cuddle you my little ABDL. I know you are hungry sweetpea, so let mommy open up her blouse and breastfeed my little one. You get so excited, dont you? Awww, that is so cute. Mommy loves how excited you get at the sight of her full breast. Thats it now just latch on sweetpea, Mommy will let you suckle to your hearts content and till you feel all tingly down in that diaper *laughs* I know you going to full that diaper now arent you sweetpea? […]
October 23, 2010

Halloween Customes

So apparently Spiderman is going to be one of the most popular costumes this year for Halloween. I am here to say, I like Spiderman, but what about Spiderwomen? I think Charlotte as a famous spider from Charlotte’s Web was brilliant and fascinating; why not have costumes for a women spidey fan? I mean to say; here we have a mysterious, intelligent, talented, wicked but gentle, charming, radiant, alluring female spider that hasn’t had her fair share of the glory. She is the perfect idea for this year’s women, attracting […]
June 20, 2010

A gift for Fathers Day

I would love to give a special gift to all those Daddy’s out there. Cum, wrap up the day with a treat only a mommy can give. Once the house becomes quiet, after all the guest have left, cum finsih the evening with me, your personal MILF. Mommy is wating to please you in everyway. Mommy Lauren, 1 888 430 2010
April 23, 2010

Fair Time!

Are you ready to come with Mommy for a trip to the county fair? We will ride the Carousel, the Choo Choo Train, the Dragon Wagon, the Spinning Apples, TeaCups, and Watering Whales. We can feed all the animals, watch the clowns, dance to the band and eat till our tummies hurt! Corn dogs, Sausage sandwiches, fries, cotton candy, and funnel cakes. Mommy will bring along lots of diapers cause your bound to have some messy ones! We will play till we drop and party till you poop! Now hurry […]
April 14, 2010


A long, deep, wet kiss! There aint nothin sexier then a a guy who likes to kiss me hard and deep. Teasing me with that tongue, me nibbling on your lip. I mean thats HOT! You don’t have to be beautiful to turn me on I just need your body baby From dusk till dawn You don’t need experience To turn me out You just leave it all up to me I’m gonna show you what it’s all about You don’t have to be rich To be my girl You […]
January 10, 2010

A Planet Called Nye!

Let me bring you to another time and place a planet far from earth where fairy tales are real. We will begin by you lying your head in my lap, Close your eyes and clear your mind, you will control your breathing as I command you to. This will help to bring you to a state of total relaxation, to reduce your pulse rate and come under my control. I will begin by describing our flight to Nye as we cross through the galaxies floating and drifting effortlessly through the […]
December 13, 2009

Christmas Time Fun!

Do you like to color? Mommy Sara still loves to color, I find it very relaxing. So Mommy has a chore for all her little ones this week. Mommy wants all her little ones to visit this site and print out a page and sit and color it! You can pick up some crayons at the dollar store, take a picture of the picture you color and email it to Mommy. For anyone who does this Mommy will reward you with a treat! Now hop to it babies be the […]
December 6, 2009

You Saw Mommy What?

Yes, I know some of the babies were scared to death awakening to such a sight, others became very jealous and had to be given a spanking, NyQuil and sent back to bed, while the sissy boys were dressed up as a little toy doll and made to give Santa a blow job in exchange for their Christmas toys. All awhile Daddy snored up a storm drunk from the laced eggnog Mommy gave him earlier that evening. Want your toys this year youngins? Then I suggest babies stay in their […]
November 17, 2009

Sleep well my Sweet Prince!

When I come wake my little one up to begin a bright new day, I want you to think of a beautiful crib and nursery that Mommy has all set up for you. You’ll always be kept safe and comfy in your special place. A place of fairy tales, beauty, magic, and filled with love! So Rise and Shine my Sweet Little Prince, awake from those golden dreams and let Mommy and you enjoy a magical day of our own! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
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