March 24, 2013

Learning Lessons

I’ve told you about a ten times that you need to keep your bedroom tidy! And we both know that I do NOT like to repeat myself. In fact, normally I don’t. But you said “Please Mommy,” “I’m sorry, Mommy,” “I promise I’m gonna get it done right now, Mommy,” and now here we are. Toys all over the floor, baby blankets all rumpled up everywhere. I just don’t know what I’m going to do with you. Don’t you start with me now – no, no, no. There’s no time […]
March 6, 2011

Mommy son sex

Mommy loves her boy and since Daddy is no longer around it is time for him to learn his role as the man of the house. Mommy will be making many visits to your room in the wee hours of the night. I know you have always wanted to fuck your mommy. Mommy knows you have been having strange urges and that you need some guidance. Some mommy son sex is what you need. Mommy is here for you, I will teach you all about those naughty little feelings, my […]
August 14, 2010

First Bike

Do you remember your very first bike? Training wheels and all! Do you remember all that hard work with Mom outside trying to ride it all on your own? No training wheels? No Hands? Mom making sure you were covered top to bottom in protective gear? Well if it was long ago you may not recall protective gear, but Moms heart was still all a flutter I asure you! I remember my first bike ride and how proud I felt when mom let go of the handle bars and the […]
January 17, 2010

Shower Time

My how you’ve grown! Seems like just yesterday I was changing your diaper, having you suckle at my breast, and bathing you in the sink. But you’re getting older now, on the verge of manhood. Your body is changing, growing, and you’re exploring those new and exciting changes. It’s my honor to help you explore those changes, and as your mommy, I feel it’s my duty as well *wink*. I love to sneak into the shower with you and lather you up, making sure not to miss a single inch! […]
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