May 5, 2011

Mother’s Day

  This Sunday is Mother’s Day, so I just wanted to wish all these wonderful Mommies and Sitters and Grannies over at Phone-a-Mommy a wonderful and relaxing day!! I all know how hard each and every one of you works, and there is no other group of ladies who deserve it more!! So put those feet up, place those cucumber slices on those tired eyes, and let those around serve you for a change!   Happy Mother’s Day Ladies!   Maggie 1*888*430*2010
May 5, 2011

Queen for the Day

    I just wanted to remind all you little ones out there that next Sunday is Mother’s Day and not to forget that special lady in your life. That wonderful woman who kissed your boo-boo’s all better…who chased away the monsters from under your bed…who prepared your meals and washed your clothes and cleaned your room day in and day out. Who has always put your happiness and needs and wants before hers. Yes, that unsung hero in your life – Mom! So give her a hug and a […]
May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Poem

A mother’s love determines how We love ourselves and others. There is no sky we’ll ever see Not lit by that first love. Stripped of love, the universe Would drive us mad with pain; But we are born into a world That greets our cries with joy. How much I owe you for the kiss That told me who I was! The greatest gift–a love of life– Lay laughing in your eyes. Because of you my world still has The soft grace of your smile; And every wind of fortune […]
May 8, 2010

A Rose

The first red rose Sent out of season The second red rose Sent for no reason The third red rose Sent for happiness and health The fourth red rose Sent for gaining life’s wealth The fifth red rose Sent for gaining new friends The sixth red rose Sent for guiding you through life’s bends The seventh red rose Sent for praying you never tire The eighth red rose Sent for giving you all of your desire’s The ninth red rose Sent for your happiness in love The tenth red rose […]
May 2, 2010

Happy Mother’s Day

Next Sunday is Mother’s Day, so don’t forget to show that special mommy in your life how very much you love and appreciate her! Flowers, a card, breakfast in bed, taking her out for dinner are all good ways to show her this. But don’t forget to give her a great big hug and kiss as well!! And to all those special mommies and nannies and grannies and sitters over at Phone-a-Mommy – HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!! Gina 1*888*430*2010
May 10, 2009

Let Mommy Rock You!

Let us spend a nice relaxing Mother’s Day together. Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
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