August 29, 2010

Happy Music

Isn’t it just amazing how music can effect your mood?  This morning while I was doing Yoga I put on some Happy Music and it always makes me smile and gives me the energy that I need to finish my work out.  Remember when you were in High School and dating and you would break up with someone, or they would break up with you (how dare they!) and a song would come on and it would make you feel like your heart was breaking all over again?  Or the […]
December 3, 2008

Going away for the holidays?

I do hope you have time this holiday season for some good rr&dt…rest, relaxation & diaper time! If you can’t get to a nice, warm beach and into a hammock like this, then at least turn up the heat, turn on some music, and dance your cares away! There’s nothing quite like exercise to perk up your mood. It gets your blood flowing, and gets you in the mood to be on the move again. Or of course a nice hammock is good too. *giggles* No matter what, please remember […]
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