May 13, 2011

Naughty Nanny Takes Care of ABies

Some days everything is just normal and normal is perfect. Yesterday was one of those days. I woke up at a decent hour and felt like I had a good sleep. I had a good breakfast and put on a new shirt. I drank my coffee in the sun and then one of my favorite abies called and we played like we always do, and everything was normal and normal was perfect. I changed the big little one’s diaper and even though he was excited I told him to be […]
April 29, 2011

Forced Babying For My Boyfriend

Men are made, not born. Not all men become men equally. Not all men act like men. Here’s the story: My boyfriend was annoying me. He wasn’t taking me out, he wasn’t pulling his weight. I came home from a job taking care of a very good, passive little one. I knew my bf had the day off, so I had left a little list for him of things that needed doing around the house. I got home and nothing was done. He was playing video games and the house […]
April 15, 2011

Nanny’s Secret Tricks

I took care of a darling adult baby today. I was keeping an eye on the little guy while his Mommy was off on a date. He was so cute and sweet and we had a lot of fun until it started to get late and it was time for beddy-bye. ~ He didn’t seem to understand why his Mommy wasn’t home yet. “What’s Mommy doing with that man?” he kept asking? I comforted him, telling him they would be back before long but he was a curious one. I […]
April 2, 2011

Be Good For Nanny, Or Else!

Maybe it’s because I have a reputation for being strict that I always get stuck with the bad, bratty babies. I had one little guy today who just would not behave. — He was fussing about and wouldn’t stop whining until I gave him a bottle and then he just wanted another one. Well, I gave him another on the condition that he would tell Nanny as soon as he felt ready to go peepee. His Mommy is working on potty training the tot and there won’t be any setbacks […]
August 29, 2010

How Do You Like To Be Disciplined?

There are many forms of disciplinary tactics one can use on a little bad boy, or little bad girl. But I would like to know what is your favorite way to be disciplined. Do you like spankings? Corner time? Being humiliated? Or have you run across some very unique ways to be disciplined? Or are there ways that you have come up with but are too shy to tell anyone about? I would love to hear the answers to all these. Feel free to call me and share. *smiles* Nanny […]
August 15, 2010

Enemas…for CATS?!?!?!?

I was googling the word enema today because I like enemas for one, but for another to see if anything new that I have not read or seen would come up. And “Enemas for cats” came up. NOT what I was looking for, nor would I want to even see it! I really feel badly for any cat that has to get an enema. And hopefully people are NOT administering these things at home, unless of course a vet tells them they must and shows them how to do it, […]
June 5, 2010

Nanny For Bad Boys

Bad boys. I love them. There is nothing like being in charge of a really bad boy. They always think they can one up you, but in reality my mind is quick enough to be one step ahead of them, but I never let on that I am. I love to see the looks on their faces when they do something and I’m right there to put a stop to it. Their mouths drop open, thinking that this time they will get away with something, but little do they know, […]
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