January 7, 2013

Spanking Season

I’ve had to do a lot of spanking lately… not that I mind hehehe! I don’t know what it is but something has definitely gotten into my ABies and they’ve been misbehaving left and right, maybe it’s because of all the spoiling they got during the holidays.Regardless I’ve of course been doing what a babysitter does best… give out bottom burning spankings! Just the other day I was babysitting little ABy Kenny and I was giving him a special diaper rub while he took his bottle and he kept trying […]
April 18, 2012

Obey your ABDL Mommy…Or Else…

Now normally, my little adult abie is well behaved, says please and thank you, and minds his manners, as well as his AB Mommy.  But from time to time, my normally sweet and loving abie gets a little too big for his britches, or in this case, his diapers, and decides that he is going to talk back to mommy or *gasp* disobey.   Now I don’t know about how your Mommy handles an aby when they get out of hand, but this mommy is a no-nonsense, firm disciplinarian, take-you-over-my-knee-and-spank-you-till-I-break-your-will […]
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