June 4, 2013

Staying with Granny

I got in some trouble… again. I went to stay with Granny Minnie for a day ‘cause Daddy said I couldn’t be trusted to stay by myself. Hmmph! I’m a babysitter, I don’t need a babysitter! But anyway, Daddy didn’t care about that, so off I went with Granny. I thought it would be easy and fun. I thought Granny would let me do whatever I wanted and spoil me. I thought I could get away with anything. Boy, was I wrong! Granny made me help her in the garden […]
October 15, 2012

Tinkle Play

Sometimes when I like to open my diaper when daddy isn’t around and go tinkle in it so I can watch. I have to be really sneaky though, because it always ends up being a big mess and daddy gets mad. The way I do it is I hold my tinkle for as long as I can… which can be really tricky! Hehehe. But then when daddy puts me in a new diaper before nap time, I have a nice long time to spend playing with my diaper. Once daddy […]
July 28, 2011

Kid’s Books that Never Made It…

Ok, well I was looking for some interesting books and I came across this –     It brought a big ol’ smile across my face, so I thought I’d share (aren’t you glad, hehe?).  I don’t know why they didn’t make it to the publish pile; I thought they were quite informative!  Now show of hands, who would have liked these little gems on the book shelf?   Your Naughty AB Mommy Maggy Connoisseur of the naughty and fun books 1*888*430*2010
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