April 9, 2011

Thunderstorm Delight!

~ That was some storm we had last night! All that thunder and lightning – it seemed to go on forever. You were so scared, but Mommy Gina new just what to do. I came into your room, and crawled under the covers with you. You snuggled up close to me, as I held you tight. But something surprising happened. At first you were embarrassed about how your little man peepee became all swollen and stiff, but I assured you that it was perfectly normal, and told you that I […]
August 28, 2010

Kitty in a Box

Ok, once again I am finding myself saying  “Awwwwww!”, but now it’s also followed with a big grin and a chuckle.  Seems our wittle kitties have grown and graduated for cups to boxes, hehe.  These two are trouble makers, I can see it in their cute little twitching noses.  Mommy kitty must have her paws full with these two!  I wonder if she has a little kitty paddle to deal with them, lol! Mommy Maggie 1*888*430*2010
June 6, 2010

Behaving Badly!

Naughty little one, in trouble yet again. My ABDL is always into something. Breaking your sisters baby doll, feeding your food I make to the dog, playing with your poop, writing with your crayons on the wall. What is a Mom suppose to do? Guess what time it is? Yup, you guessed it, spanking time! Mommy Lauren 1 888 430 2010
April 4, 2009

~*~Pick Your Poison~*~

Do you remember in the old days, when you would have to go out back and pick out a switch to be used on you when you were naughty? Well, Mommy Gina still believes in that. But instead of a switch, you will have to pick the instrument that will be used to punish you. I have a wide assortment for all you naughty little ones to choose from. Now Mommy Gina doesn’t want to spank you, but you must learn to behave and do as you’re told! So call […]
April 2, 2009

Need a sexy, loving Mommy?

Mommy Lauren is right here for you ready to pamper you and give you all you desire. Now, i’m not a strict Mommy but I do have my ruels and i’m not afraid to spank when I need to. Come to Lauren and let me hold you, rock you, sing to you and feed you my warm, sweet milk. Need a diapey change? Mommy L. can do that with the ultimate TLC. Go ahead you can do it…call me and let me take care of you. Muah…luv & laughter, Lauren
March 23, 2009

All in a Day’s Work……

Oh, my little one you are all wet and sticky. What have you gotten into? Mommy Sara told you not to mess yourself. I told you to wear that diaper. But nooooo, you refused to listen to Mommy. That’s it! I’m done your gona get cleaned up and into that diaper if it’s the last thing I ever make you do! Now come on come with Mommy into the bathroom where I can wash you all up. First let me get those hands, you were diggin all in that messy […]
March 15, 2009

A Little Bit of Pain is Pleasurable

Sara likes a little bit of pain. One of my latest new torturing devices is my tweezers. I like to pluck that hair out of your head, your arm pits, your private area *giggles* don’t be scared now, it really is rather enjoyable. It’s like a twinge of delight. And when it’s done just right in the right area it can be very erotic! Mommy Sara 1-888-430-2010
October 17, 2008

Basket Full Of Goodies!!!!

It is so great to have a basket full of goodies for your nursery. My basket is nice and full for all the wonderful Abies out there 🙂 Lots of cloth and disposable diapers, plastic pants, diaper pins, powder, lotion, warm wipes, Abie toys, and binkies. What fun we have!! If abie is naughty corner time and spanking have to be given, always with love. Sometimes Abies just need some discipline to make them good little Abies. Dommy Mommy Lexus
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