January 15, 2011

Seahawk Babies

It’s that time of year, when the Super Bowl is almost upon us. Although I am not as much of a sports fanatic like some people I know. I do enjoy football, especially when my home team has made it this far in the bid to go to the Super Bowl. Last weekend I went to a friends house for the Seahawks game and she had her little one all decked out in Seahawks gear. I thought it was so cute, she even had a baby sized helmet. lol. I […]
February 7, 2010

Almost Football

Today is a sad day for a couple other girls and I at the service I work for. It’s the last game of the season. There are a couple of us that love sports, especially football. Stacie and Sue I know are huge football lovers. We talk on the phone sometimes on Sundays during a game and yell at the T.V. together. It’s pretty funny to hear us all swearing and yelling and then arguing over plays. Thank goodness for three way calling. We haven’t done that for awhile because […]
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