May 22, 2011

Mature Sex

Is your girlfriend and her friends nothing but a little tease? Are you fed up with their games and stuck up attitudes? I bet you long to be with a more mature lady, one that knows how to handle herself, one that is comfortable with her sexuality, one that wants to fulfill your sexual desires. A woman who is not afraid of a little cum. One who doesn’t get giddy or squeamish in the site of your hard bulging cock? Oh no, that is not what a mature women would […]
October 27, 2008

A Gift

Wouldn’t you like to receive something like this as a gift? I sure would. It has everything in it to relax. Take a nice bath, eat a cookie, put some great smelling lotion on, eat a cookie, put some soothing music on, eat a cookie. Come to think of it, the only thing that will happen if you do happen to get a gift like this is you will become fat lol. Later Taters, Stacie 1-888-430-2010
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