January 29, 2010

Tiger's Weakness

Poor Tiger, out on the green surrounded by all that temptation, the Iron, the Ball, the Hole, the Cup, the Grip, the Threesome, the Foursome, the Laid, the Nuked Shot, the Point of Relief, the Observer, the Stroke, the Rub, the Drive, the Coming over the Top, the Hole in One. Whats a guy to do? Sara 1 888 430 2010
January 22, 2010

Sexual Harrasment

You’re at your desk plugging away with opening the mornings mail and looking over the days schedule, you hear your name called, its Mizz Rebecca your boss. You approach her door way and ask: you called for me?” I nod and ask you to come in and shut the door. I let you know that I am considering you for the upcoming promotion. Your lips quiver as you smile. I tell you that there is just one little thing that is lacking in your performance and in order to be […]
December 31, 2009

Let me Pop your Cork!

What better night to pop your cork then tonight with me on a secret discreet call. Do you have the Hots for that Sexy Boss of yours. Day Dream over that Cute Girl that sits in the cubicle up one from yours. Stumble over your words with the Newest Member of your Team? Jack off to the thought of that Drop Dead Gorgeous Customer jumping you in your office? Well why not sneak away from the Company Party this evening and Give me a Jingle. Let us play out your […]
September 30, 2009

Wanna Lick my Peesicle?

I love to pee outside! In the cold of the morning my pee rushes out of my sweet pussy so warm, it splatters against the concrete as I squat, I can feel it splash back on me all cold from the damp wet ground. I love the sound it makes, at first its racing, thunderously gushing from me, then slows down and trickles out of me, pitter pattering onto the pavement. Oh my its getting colder out, I wonder if in the right temperature if it might freeze in mid […]
February 23, 2009


Mommy Sara is wanting to play with all her babies. Mommy loves to breastfeed her abies and force them to wear diapers! Mommy can help you with that little stiff pee pee, Mommy promises to take special care of her lil ones. But if your naughty watch out because Mommy Sara will gladly take you over her knee! Mommy Sara 1888-430-2010
January 25, 2009

ABDL Friendship

Crazy thing happened the other day, my little abie was at work and a young new employee slipped up and told him that she was into the ab dl lifestyle. He told me that his mouth dropped to the floor *giggles* She was cute as a button he told me and has asked her to meet him for coffee next weekend. I am very excited for him. He has been waiting a very long time to meet another abdl in real life! Good luck to you my abie! I can […]
January 18, 2009

Hide-n-go Seek

Now this looks like my kinda playground! Do you want to play with me? Mommy Sara loves playing hide and go seek and what better place to hide then this castle. Ah, the fun we could have hidden away all by ourselves. Long dark, quiet, hallways and I am sure lots of trap doors and hidden rooms! You think you can hide from Mommy? Ready or Not here I Come!
January 11, 2009


I remember my first stuffed animal I called him spots! When I was young my bed was so full of stuffed animals it was hard to find little ole me, *giggles* What was your first stuffed animal? Do you still have any from your childhood? Every Sunday afternoon I remember I use to take all my stuffed animals outside and set up a blanket and read to them. What did you use to do with your stuffed animals? Or maybe that’s an x-rated answer *hehehe* Well let Mommy Sara know […]
January 4, 2009


Now this sheep has no issues with dressing up in women’s clothing. Where are all my sissy babies. Come out, come out, where ever you are! Mommy Sara wants to play with you. I want to bring you to my room and put you in a nice warm diapey, dress you in some frilly pretty dresses, with bobby socks, and patent leather shoes. Have you sit at Mommies vanity and put your hair up in a pretty pink bow, put some blush on those checks, and pucker those lips for […]
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