July 26, 2013

Reasons to Spank…Let Me Count the Ways

I can think of a lot of reasons to spank a naughty boy.  Tommy, however, has to be my naughtiest little one under my charge by far!  He constantly wets his pants even though he is way too old to do so. I have even resorted to putting him in a diaper, instructing him that he’s not to wet his diaper. I have told him repeatedly,  he mustn’t wet himself at his age, but he doesn’t care…so I have had to start spanking him – of course his mother said it […]
February 8, 2013

Lap Time for my Adult Babies

Well it seems that many of you baby’s are getting might comfy in mommy’s lap. I must admit the feel of those cold bare bottoms on my thighs makes me blush. But only for a second, then it is my turn to make you blush! I would hate to think that there are a few naughty little ones out there that will, once again, be lying over mommy’s knee getting a spanking – it turns those cool cream colored buns into such burning red ones (oh nooo…I would just HATE […]
November 7, 2012


You know what is coming next, don’t you…you were warned…haven’t I made the rules crystal clear? I am not an unreasonable person, am I? The rules are simple to understand, are they not? And I have explained the punishment for breaking them, haven’t I? Made sure you understood? That you knew what would happen on the first infraction… on the second infraction…for repeated infractions? Did you think that you would be able to do what you did without my knowledge? That I would not find out? Now tell me, tell […]
November 4, 2011

Good Ol’ Fashioned Flogging

Now this is what I call a good ol’ fashioned flogging!  A nice alternative to your classic spanking or paddling! (wouldn’t want to get stuck in a rut, would we?)  I love the whole antique vibe, right down to the vintage lingerie and period hair style.  And the way they turned an ordinary piece of rope into an effective flogger/spanking implement?  I lovely piece of ingenuity!  Makes you wonder what went on behind those heavy mahogany doors of yester years!   Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010   ** over the knee spankings […]
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