August 30, 2010

Baby Josh Back In Pampers

This is week 3 for baby joshie’s potty training, and sadly I’m here to report things have not been going too well. Josh continues to make stinky messes in his pull ups that almost always result in Mommy spanking his poopy bottom. Today Mommy had to put away the training pants and pull ups, and make room for the cases of pampers. Josh has no idea his big boy days are over. Do you think he’s going to be upset and throw a hissy? Oh you can bet on it, […]
August 22, 2010


  I hear the abies talk about celebrities they would like to have as Mommies or Sitters. Sometimes I see certain celebrities and think to myself I would love to diaper them. Today it was the magician/illusionist David Blaine. I have no other reason than I think ht would look simply adorable in one. I can’t remember the TV special or interview I saw it in, but he spoke so sweetly about his Mother. It was really touching. So you abies aren’t alone, mommies think about that stuff too.   […]
August 5, 2010

The Forgotten Mother

A gray old woman sits all alone Unloved, uncherished and unknown. Sitting beside her broken door. Dreaming of days past long ago, When children played about her knee Filling the air with childish glee, Tended by her with loving care. Knowing the blessing of a Mother’s prayer. But now they have gone, each to his life A girl to her husband, a boy to his wife, Forgetful are they of her who sits here Silently wiping a tricking tear, For striving for things in a life so brief Blind their […]
July 17, 2010


…yes my dear, part of your sissy training is learning how to be with a man – how to please him, how to touch him, how to react to his touch. Now don’t worry, I’ll be there to guide you through the whole process. I’ll be instructing you how to use your mouth, your sissy hole, your hands, to pleasure whom ever I bring to you, when ever I bring them to you. You will be instructed how to be the perfect little girl, to do as you are told […]
June 18, 2010

Happy Daddy Day

I couldn’t find who wrote this poem, but it’s awfully sweet and I think it is true. A little girl needs Daddy For many, many things: Like holding her high off the ground Where the sunlight sings!  Like being the deep music That tells her all is right When she awakens frantic with The terrors of the night.  Like being the great mountain That rises in her heart And shows her how she might get home When all else falls apart.  Like giving her the love That is her sea […]
May 5, 2010

pretty toes

You have been admiring Mommy’s toes huh? Do you like to look at how shiny they look after a fresh pedicure? Well Mommy will take you to get a pedicure done with her too. We can sit side by side and have our tootsies pampered and pedicured. I will let you pick any color , you can even match Mommy’s toes. Do you want to show off your new polish in sandals and bare-feet sissy boy? Mommy Shirley
April 24, 2010

The Perfect Tushie Cover

I saw this and I almost died! It is just adorable, isn’t it? I have a special little sissy of mine that this would be perfect for. Pair it up with a frilly little sissy dress and a seven layer petticoat, and we are good for a fun day at the park, wouldn’t you say? And when she jumps rope, her dress will come flying up, petticoats and all, and show everyone what a perfect little tushie cover she is wearing! Lovely, simply lovely! Mommy Maggie 1*888*430*2010
April 20, 2010

panty boys

Usually it’s diapers I put men into. Sometimes though, it’s panties that aren’t even plastic or rubber. Panties are nice looking on a woman no doubt about it. The thing is that I find they look great on men too. If you’re a sissy baby who stays in diapers most of the time switching to panties for a change will feel incredible to your skin. You may tinkle in them though, then it is back to diapers for sissy. Mommy Shirley
April 9, 2010

abie pictures

  It always makes my day when I get to see pictures of the abies and diaper lovers who talk to me. It’s good to have an image to put to the voice. If you want to keep it private between you and I then I never show anyone the picture you share. If you like to show off and approve it I may use it on one of my blogs. It’s all up to you. So the next time you want to show Mommy a picture of your pretty […]
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