November 8, 2013

Petticoat Punishment: A Special type of Discipline

I try to be an understanding AB Mommy.  I try to be patient and sweet.  I really am a loving and tender ABDL Mommy to those Adult Babies that are well behaved and do as mommy tells them.  I don’t ask for much, really: don’t back talk, be kind and thoughtful to others, and the most important of all – do as you are told.    Now from time to time I come across a little one who tests my boundaries and beyond.  They defy me at every turn, are […]
May 20, 2012

Petticoat Punishment Phone Sex

Oh you have been a very very bad little one haven’t you, but, luckily for you, I know how to administer Petticoat Punishment! Oh yes my Dear one. You think just because you are a small male that you would never ever have to dress like a girl? You thought wrong sweetie. You see, this is what happens when you don’t listen, or when you go into Mommy’s things, and hold them close to you in a very naughty way. You have to be taught a lesson. Now if you […]
July 24, 2011

Petticoat Punishment

Not a good girl today? 
The sissy kept her head down, her checks turning crimson with the embarrassment she felt. She timidly walked forward and readily accepted her petticoat punishment; she made haste to call 1 888 430 2010. 
Well, each little girl tends to misbehave from time to time, I have no problems with that, but I do have several solutions. We’ll start with you being bound and at my feet. You can then begin by licking all the mud off my shoes which became soiled after stepping outside […]
July 16, 2011

County Nursery

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they had a court sanctioned county nursery to sentence certain offenders to? A judge could sentence misbehaving and naughty boyfriends and husbands to this nursery – a place where they would be forced to where diapers with pretty pink diaper covers and frilly dresses. They would have to sleep in a crib, drink from a bottle, and take regular visits to the park and museums in their new attire. They would be given new girlie names like Janey and Priscilla and Betsy. The nursery would […]
March 5, 2011

Petticoat Punishment

Oh, how I love to dish out a little petticoat punishment.   When little ones are naughty, whining, and throwing their tantrums, then putting them in pretty girlie dresses and petticoats is just the ticket!  Of course a walk about town to show off those little sissies, dressed up all pretty in pink and ruffles is a must.  Then, to complete their punishment, a public spanking of their bare little bottoms for all to see.  So tell me, all you naughty ones, are you ready for some Petticoat Punishment? ~ […]
July 18, 2010

Shopping day!

Thats right its shopping day. It makes my bf cringe when he hears me say this. He knows that it means he has done something worng. I dont always tell him when I get mad or upset. My forms of punishment for him, are always fun for me. When he hears Shopping Day, he knows he must get into his diaper his pink panties and his shorts and t-shirt. Then we are off to find a new items for his sissy closet. I always make him dress in his man […]
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