November 6, 2010

My Special Necklace

Like my necklace? Isn’t it pretty? It’s very special. Do you know what I like to keep in my special necklace? Something that a dear friend of mine supplies me with. My dear friend you ask? Oh well now, her name is Momma Katanya, and she is a Voodoo Priestess down in New Orleans. And what, pray tell, are the contents of my special necklace used for? Why to keep little ones like yourselves perfectly still, yet completely alert as to what is happening to them, naturally. You see, I prefer my victims, I mean my new little ones, to be compliant yet very much aware of what is happening to them as I, well, to be perfectly honest, do what ever I choose to do and acclimate them into their new world of my design! Maggie 1*888*430*2010
October 30, 2010

Trick or Treat!

Trick or Treat Smell my feet Give me something Good to eat! My favorite part of this holiday besides the treats and the dress up are all the tricks. What tricks might you play on your Mommy Sara? Might you have a stinky diaper that you deny? Might you trick Mommy into believing you’re not my baby by dressing up? Will you trick me into smelling those little feet? Maybe you will trick me into thinking you had less treats then you actually had? Whatever the trick Mommy Sara is getting prepared. I know you’ll be being your goofy little baby self ready to have lots of fun! Whatever you’re favorite trick or treat is, Mommy Sara wishes you a fun day!! Sara 1 888 430 2010
October 23, 2010

Rocking Horse

Where shall we ride off to today? Perhaps to the plains of the wide, wide west, driving a herd to auction? Maybe to Arabia and its hot desert sands, with your horse as your only companion? You could be the star of a rodeo show, roping calves and riding the bronco. But where ever you choose to ride off today, Mommy’s love will always be with you! Mommy Maggy 1*888*430*2010
October 23, 2010

Halloween Customes

So apparently Spiderman is going to be one of the most popular costumes this year for Halloween. I am here to say, I like Spiderman, but what about Spiderwomen? I think Charlotte as a famous spider from Charlotte’s Web was brilliant and fascinating; why not have costumes for a women spidey fan? I mean to say; here we have a mysterious, intelligent, talented, wicked but gentle, charming, radiant, alluring female spider that hasn’t had her fair share of the glory. She is the perfect idea for this year’s women, attracting men into her snare, tempting them both gracefully and seductively then just when you think you are safe in her presence and you have succumb to her charm she has a unexpected surprise for you. Sounds like a wickedly haunting idea to me! Lauren 1 888 430 2010
October 16, 2010

Will you Walk into my Parlour…

“Will you walk into my Parlour, said the Spider to the Fly” – I absolutely adore that line.  It always goes through my head as I lure an unsuspecting victim into my lair.  They always seem quite surprised when they find themselves trapped in such a state – unable to escape, to run away, or sometimes even move LOL!  Forced to submit to and accept their new life, be it as an aby, a sissy, or my personal play thing.  Yes indeed, I do so adore that line!  So what say you, my little fly?  Will you walk into my parlour? Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
October 10, 2010

Looks what I have…..

I getting my candy bowl together and my custome. I am going to dress up as Little Bo Peep. Anyone else dressing up? Let me tell you what I have in my bowl so far. I have Bit-O-Honey oh yeah, Candy Corn gotta have ’em, Appleheads emmm, Pixie Sticks sweet right, Sugar Babies pure sugar, Baby Snickers, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and Hersheys Bars YUMMY! I hope they last LOL, but dont count on it! Cum get your Mandy Candy its going fassssssssssssssst! Mandy 1 888 430 2010
October 9, 2010

Steam Power

Well, here we go, yet another interesting antique.  What people can’t cook up!  To think, the first fucking machine was steam powered!  Wow!  Now you know it was some guy, locked up in his little workshop, thinking, “Hmm, now how can I make this dildo hands-free so I can get the sensation of a real good ass-fucking?”  Or maybe it was a desperate husband that only had a wet noodle between his legs, and needed to find a way to satisfy his wife.  Can you imagine, one of these puppies in a bordello as a tool of the trade?  In any case, I think it’s true what the say – necessity is truly the mother of invention! Mommy Maggie 1*888*430*2010
October 8, 2010

Mom Cave

Hey Ladies how Cool is this! What took us sooooo long to think of this, I wonder? My bf who is an ABDL has his man cave it is in the garage LOL He loves his wood making tools. Loves to build homemade furniture for us, he has a few baby peices, and has the back of the garage he enclosed into his little nursery for his down time. So, I am going to use half my office to turn into my Women Cave!! OMG I love saying that. So he is going to build me a partition and I am going shopping *hehehe* to buy me a chase lounger and all kinds of goodies for my Women Cave! Now everyone will have a place to retreat for that much “me time”. Mommy Lauren 1 888 430 2010
October 2, 2010

Bare or Hair?

There has been some discussion if ABies should shave from the neck down or not as of late.  I believe that this is a perfect example as to why all you little ones should indeed go bare. The only question now is should one use a blade, clippers, or wax.  Perhaps something a little more permanent – maybe electrolysis or laser treatments?  Me?  I think that I would like to use wax for my babies (and I’m talking about waxing them personally, or at least escorting them to the salon to instruct the technician and to oversee the entire procedure, hehe).  But I think we can all agree, at least in this case, bare is DEFINITELY better then hair! Mommy Gina 1*888*430*2010
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