February 12, 2011

Phonesex Valentine

Free Photo Editor So when you are done doing all the good boy obligations, with Mommy and Wifey. It is time to have yourself a little fun! Break free for a little you time! Let me give you a Valentine Cock Pleasing Time! Ready for some cock throbbing sexplay? Sara 1 888 430 2010
August 27, 2010

Last Week of Summer

Oh it’s Friday again. A lot of the babies and diaper lovers have 2 whole days off for themselves. What are you doing this weekend? Are you going to spend extra time in diapers? Hmm well whatever it is I hope that you have a fun weekend. I’m waiting for next weekend, Labor Day weekend. The last weekend of the summer activities around here. I have one last week to splash around in the outside pool before closing it up for another year. Mommy Shirley
October 11, 2009

Baking Time

Fall and Winter are my favorite times of the years, summer can suck it! lol Anyway, one of the reasons that it is, that it seems like this is when Mom’s, Grandma’s, Sister’s, yadda yadda bake. There is nothing better, then being outside running around, having some fun in the cool crisp air, then coming into the house and being met by the awesome aroma of fresh cookies or pie or bread or cake or whatever. It’s the most comforting feeling in the world. Now usually when I bake my […]
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