July 28, 2011

Kid’s Books that Never Made It…

Ok, well I was looking for some interesting books and I came across this –     It brought a big ol’ smile across my face, so I thought I’d share (aren’t you glad, hehe?).  I don’t know why they didn’t make it to the publish pile; I thought they were quite informative!  Now show of hands, who would have liked these little gems on the book shelf?   Your Naughty AB Mommy Maggy Connoisseur of the naughty and fun books 1*888*430*2010
July 18, 2010

Little Brats

Yeah I know you are out there, I know because I talk to you. I am surprised at how many little bad AB’s there are, well okay maybe I’m not. I like the bad ones actually, since I enjoy discipline in the first place, not give to me mind you, but doling it out to others. Makes me a very happy fetish babysitter! Stacie 1-888-430-2010
April 14, 2010


A long, deep, wet kiss! There aint nothin sexier then a a guy who likes to kiss me hard and deep. Teasing me with that tongue, me nibbling on your lip. I mean thats HOT! You don’t have to be beautiful to turn me on I just need your body baby From dusk till dawn You don’t need experience To turn me out You just leave it all up to me I’m gonna show you what it’s all about You don’t have to be rich To be my girl You […]
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