January 21, 2014

adult baby punishment

I am an adult baby mommy and at time’s I have to give out punishment when little one does not do what he is told. He just will not stop being where he is not supposed to be I found him out of his diaper and in my powder room what a stinker. He was swatted right on the ass for being in my powder room and getting into all my sex toy’s, he even tried to play by putting it in his diaper. He got the ruler and next […]
January 19, 2011


While Daddy is away, Mommy Lauren must play! And you know what that means, dont you my love? Let us plan for just a cozy night here at home, just the two of us. I would enjoy if you help me with my bubble bath, I will show you how to use that loafa on me, allow you to wash my long beautiful hair. I will let you dry me off using the soft towel along my thighs, your hands tremble as you rub my sweet pussy, you begin to […]
June 28, 2010


I so love the summer time, getting outside and doing all those fun things you always enjoyed as a kid and I always take advantage of sunny days to do it all over again, swim, ride bikes, roller skate, play basketball / shoot baskets, run through the sprinkler, jump rope, blow bubbles, make art on the front walkway with sidewalk chalk, play catch, play Frisbee, build a fort in the backyard, chase butterflies or fireflies, run relay races, egg toss, feed the birds or squirrels. play in the sandbox, play […]
February 13, 2010

Sweet Wishes!

To all my babies and all the visitors, I hope you all have a wonderful Valentines Day! Filled with Flowers, Candy, and Someone Special to share it with! Drop by and say hello to us in chat and be sure to wish your Mommy A Happy Day Too! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
July 23, 2009

Time to nurse Abie

Mommy Lauren has so much milk right now i’m leaking all over the front of my dress. Come a lil closer sweet Abie get on my lap and let me feed you. Awwww what a sweet darling you are Mommy Lauren luvs to hold you close and let you nurse. Hurry Abie i’m waiting… ~~~Muah Muah~~~~ Lauren
July 9, 2009

Naughty boy better call Mommy Lauren

I think someone has been very naughty and maybe needs to call Mommy Lauren for spankings! I just got home from a big day of shopping so I need to go to my bedroom and take off these heels and dress you know Mommy just has to look beautiful when she goes out shopping with her girlfriends. I’m sitting at my vanity in my slip and pantyhose brushing my hair waiting for you to come bend over my knees. Mommy Lauren
July 2, 2009

Let’s play dress up!

Oh my goodness Mommy Lauren has a great plan for today sissy! Why don’t you come on in to my bedroom and go ahead and walk into my big closet full of vintage dresses, purses, jewelry, shoes, peti coats, slips of all styles, hats and let’s play dress up! I even have special silky gloves we can wear all colors and lengths! How beautiful you will be when Mommy get’s finished with you. So, come on I know you wanna you little sissy girl you. Let’s see how pretty we […]
June 25, 2009

Play in the flowers with Lauren~

Look sweetie Mommy Lauren is oh so excited to have you come over and play in this beautiful field of flowers. Isn’t it just perfect for a lovely little afternoon picnic and perhaps a game of hide and go seek? Hehe Lauren can’t wait to see your sweet little face pop up in between the flowers and i’m gonna give you a great big hug and kisses all over! you sweetie you…come on let’s spend the day together soon. Muah, Lauren
June 18, 2009

Let’s play with Play Dough!

Hi sweetie Mommy Laurenis ready for you to come on over and make some fun stuff with my play dough! hehe Lookie just lookie what I made for my ABIEI bet you can make some really neat stuff too! Let’s Play Today ok? Muah..Hugs & kisses, Lauren
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