December 13, 2010

poppy bottom baby

Sniff sniff, what is that I sniff. Or who is that I sniff? Is that you poppy bottom baby? If I can smell you I am sure everyone else can. Do you like pooping your pants for Mommy? I sure like when little diaper babies like you poop for me. Your face gets red and you grunt so softly and then shooooo weeeeee poppy bottom baby boy does it again. It’s ok honey, that’s just what babies do. It means that you are a baby, just like Mommy said. Mommy […]
November 3, 2010

diapers on the run

I felt so bad for one of the babies I chatted with the other day. He had bought some Attends on a business trip and spent some time in diapers. He only really gets to enjoy it and be diapered about one weekend every couple of months. Well he got called to a meeting and had to leave the trip early. On the way to the hotel to pack and leave he realized, he had to trash his diapers. He’d only gotten to wear 3 pair of them. Poor boy, […]
October 20, 2010

Bring your diapers

Ok I found one more place a diaper wearer or adult baby needs to make sure they have their diapers. That would be at Haunted Houses. Oh my, some friends and I went to one a few years ago and some of them are downright scary. That is what you go for, to be scared but it would help to have diapers on and ready just in case right? Be sure to stay diapered on these adventures. Mommy Shirley
October 6, 2010

Baby With Benefits

There is a discussion on the forums about being an adult baby forever and ever 24/7. I respect everyone’s point of view on the discussion. It just got me to thinking of more reasons why I would want my little aby to be a big boy/girl some of the times. There are benefits an abie cannot give a Mommy as they are too small. I’m not talking about anything dirty (though that is a thought also). What I’m talking about is just the little things, driving Mommy one day when […]
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