April 7, 2017

Sissy Girl Birthday Party

There is my pretty little Birthday Sissy Girl!  Mommy has a lot of things planned for us today! First thing first Before we get ready for your party mommy wants to give you a nice bubble bath in some lavender soap, that way you smell very pretty for your party! After your all done playing in the tub, I want you to come out and go into your room and open your first birthday present that mommy left on your bed. I love watching my little girl open and rip through her […]
January 27, 2017

Scat Loving Sissy Baby!

Aww What A cute Little Sissy Baby playing in the floor with her little dolls, Someone has a  a very full adult diaper and from here I can smell it and its super stinky! holding my nose  and shaking my at head we have a very stinky little sissy don’t we. Well I think you should  really just sit in that diaper! I know how much you love the smell of your own poopy! Better  yet why we take it of and let you play in it like a good […]
November 20, 2016

Want To Go Dress Shopping Part 2

now we put on your plastic panties and then some pretty white pantyhose right then a pretty hello kitty skirt and shirt that barely fits you! Now let’s grab your shoes and slide them on you and then your diaper bag and cup. Now its time to put you in your car seat and strap you in all nice and cozy! Now we are backing out of the driveway and we have a couple of stores we are going to go to the first one we pull into is old […]
September 19, 2016

Naughty Sissy!

What am I going to do to keep your hand out of your diaper? You know you are supposed to ask your Abdl mommy permission to make cummies! So now I ordered you something for you to put on and it is a big surprise my Sissy baby! Now come here now!! I am going to take off your Bambino teddy bear diapers and slide on your chastity device, afterwards I am going to make sure you won’t get the lock by wearing it around my neck for everyone to […]
July 3, 2016

Public Punishment

So let me tell you how my date went the other night ! We went out to eat. By the way ,  I am a very demanding date! I gotta be in control at all times! Don’t think about making any decisions without me making them for you! Well, when was getting ready to leave i slipped him a bright pink package and told him to open it, right here at the table. Once he opened it he pulled out a pair of sheer pink panties and a nice butt […]
April 21, 2016

Trouble Pt 3

I made her wonder for a little while just lightly tapping the hairbrush on her little baby bottom from time to time.  Once I knew she wasn’t sure when the spanking would begin, I landed the first smack right in the middle of her two precious cheeks and watched her bottom quiver.  Of course she let out a cry, but I was determined this little girl was going to learn her lesson.  I started scolding her while I spanked in rhythm, “don’t you ever go outside without mommy or daddy […]
January 31, 2016

Stinky, Sagging Diaper

Sometimes, an abdl mommy does not have to do a thorough diaper check to see if their adult babies have left a mess for them in their diapers… Sometimes, all it takes is a mommy looking up from her magazine to see her little one waddling around with a bulging diaper swinging and swaying between their knees. My is that full! Sometimes, even worse, a mommy will not even have to look to see that full diaper… Sometimes her nose tells her all that she needs to know when the […]
January 10, 2016

Sissy Fashion Show

After a long day of taking care of changing diapers, doing feedings, and playing with those sweet little ones, this sweet ABDL mommy has a little something in mind that helps to unwind in such an exciting way! Fortunately, my nursery is also home to so many obedient little diaper sissies who just love it when mommy comes in to play with them! Of course, my lovely little sissies have a huge closet with all of the finest clothes that they could ever desire. There is a large mirror in […]
December 4, 2015

You Big Sissy

You are a big sissy aren’t you?  Always wanted to wear dresses, but never told anyone or ever tried one on until that first day in December.  You saw me getting dressed for my Christmas party and I saw you peaking at me through the half opened door.  I asked you if you liked my pretty, pretty, party dress and your eyes got real big and you nodded your head yes.  You walked over to me and started feeling the pretty red satin material with your hands rubbing up and […]
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