February 6, 2011

Uh-oh, I Smell Something …

~ My, oh my – what is that that I smell?  My Abie went and made a messy in his diapy, didn’t he? And right after I told him not to, no less.  Aby is supposed to tell mommy when he has to go poopy, isn’t he?  You know mommy doesn’t allow baby to go messies in his diapy, don’t you!  Now my little one is going to need a changing, but not until he gets a firm spanking!  No whining, or you’ll have to sit in the corner with […]
August 27, 2010

Last Week of Summer

Oh it’s Friday again. A lot of the babies and diaper lovers have 2 whole days off for themselves. What are you doing this weekend? Are you going to spend extra time in diapers? Hmm well whatever it is I hope that you have a fun weekend. I’m waiting for next weekend, Labor Day weekend. The last weekend of the summer activities around here. I have one last week to splash around in the outside pool before closing it up for another year. Mommy Shirley
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