October 27, 2013

Sissy Boi gets to Dress-up

So, are we all ready for Halloween?  I think taking my little sissy out costume shopping is almost as fun as the day itself. Taking my meek and submissive sissy boi by the hand to the costume shop, walking up to the sales clerk and explaining how I am looking for a special outfit that will showcase my sissy’s….unique attributes;  perusing all the different choices, each being more prissy and frilly then the last.    And then there is the process of trying them all on, hehehe.  To see my […]
February 5, 2013


I know how much you love your tutu’s especially the pink one the ballet lessons are doing a wonder of good for you.Even though you think i don’t want to go whining and crying just like the sissy you are.Can’t help it if they laugh and poke fun at you that is what happens to sissies at times especially when they don’t listen to what they have been told.Sissy in a tutu look at you sissy in a tutu what a sight you are laughing so hard more tears coming […]
December 28, 2012

Adult Babies in Disguise

Ok, you have to admit, these are adorable.  Perfect for all you adult babies who don’t want to be recognized for the paci-sucking Abies you are.  Just slip one of these puppies in your mouth and WHAA-LA! Instant disguise, heeheehee.  No one will know it’s you behind that mustache ;).  They won’t look at you sorta sideways, then look to see if you’ve got a thick adult diaper on to match that baby button that’s been popped in your mouth …naaaaahhhh…. LOL! Such wonderful little Adult Babie phone sex sessions […]
December 7, 2012

Adult Baby Tee Shirts: Thoughtful Gift or Diabolical Punishment?

So whatcha think?  I was trying to come up with a unique stocking stuffer, and I thought, why not a cute little Tee shirt (or two, or three or four, lol) with a “personal” touch.  What a thoughtful Mommy I am.  So I got out my box of sharpies and iron-ons and tracing paper and stretched my artistic muscles, so to speak.  Throw into the mix a few plain tee shirts, and a fierce brain storming session, and whaala!  Cute little Diaper Tees. Now anyone who knows me knows that […]
November 15, 2012

Dommy Mommy

You love it when this Dommy Mommy scolds you tells you what a bad boi you have been then turns that naked butt up in the air for all to see and wham bam spanks it really good making it a bright cherry red.Now you know this will always be done in public i am not going to punish you in private don’t you.I love doing the public humiliation on you because it is so much more effective especially when i get thru and turn you loose with tears running […]
April 11, 2012

Adult Babie of Yester Years

Traffic Stopper     So, I came across this antique stroller, and though it not particularly unusual, it still is an interesting antique in my opinion.  Now normally when you see a vintage stroller, it is in the buggy style, reminiscent of a bassinette on wheels. Visions of Victorian dressed women with rather large and ornate hats, leisurely strolling along a path, pushing a buggy draped with a sheer linen cloth, twirling a parasol comes to mind. But this it the first time I have seen one that is more […]
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