June 12, 2010

Rhumba Bras

I love Rhumba panties, especially when they are worn with Rhumba Bras. What is a Rhumba bra you ask, take a look. I would wear this. It’s beautiful isn’t it? This is something someone could wear on their wedding night. I would wear it on mine, if I ever get married that is lol. I keep waiting for my boyfriend to ask me, but I guess it will take awhile. Maybe instead of wearing this for my wedding I should just put it on for him along with some rhumba […]
November 19, 2008


Fetware.Com Fetware Jumper Ok, I have to have one of these jumpers. Made by Fetware.com out of PVC, it would be the cutest thing to wear down to the beach, eh? It comes in: Gray, Mint Green, Purple, Teal Blue, Yellow, Pink, Blue, Natural. How awesome is that? It looks so roomy and comfy, and those snaps on the top! Ohmy! Don’t just think Fetware is only about the jumper. Ohno. They have the most gorgeous diaper covers! From bikini to full brief, they have it all, so many shapes […]
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