February 2, 2011

going smooth

You may have a preference for how you like the hair (or lack of hair) in your diaper area already. If you are one of the ones with hair in your diaper area I invite you to at least try it without. Who knows you may just find that you really love how it feels. What I suggest is to run a warm bath and soak soak and soak some more. Really soften the hairs up in the bath. Then use a shaving cream or gel for sensitive skin and […]
December 3, 2010

wet panties

Don’t cry honey, it’s just wet panties. We can get those right off and clean you up and then get your diapers out. Oh honey, listen it’s ok. Babies are bound to have accidents and that’s why Mommy still has your diapers anyway. So that if your panties got tinkled in your diapers were not too far away. It’s ok, Mommy understands. Give me a hug and dry those tears up. Mommy Shirley
November 17, 2010

diapered lovers

Maybe my last husband should have been in diapers. Sometimes I just think if I had been firm with him about my fetish and how much it meant to me then maybe we would have had a happy female led relationship. I don’t mean completely female domination, but for him to have been lovingly guided. Well then I also think of what type of person he was and know that would have never worked out either. The next man that’s in my life long term though, he’ll be a diapered […]
August 13, 2010

Laughter: Mommy's Orders

Having a good laugh is more than just fun, it’s good for you. It helps with stress and pain. Your muscles can be relaxed up to 45 min.’s after a good laugh. It even boosts your immune system. I like sites like LOL Cats, There I Fixed It, and Daily HaHa when I need to have a laugh. So now that you know it’s good for you do as Mommy says and enjoy a laugh. Mommy Lexus
July 16, 2010

diapy rashes

Hello abies and diaper lovers. I have had a couple of abies tell me “Mommy, I want to know how to get rid of diapy rash.”. I know I am normally a mean Mommy, but I have some advice for taking care of your sore bottoms. Let the skin air out. I know you love your diapers, and I love you in diapers too. Airing out the irritated skin is good though so take a diaper break if you can. Also wash the area with a cotton swab dipped in […]
July 14, 2010

adult diaper fetish

You’ve been curious about wearing diapers, and never knew there were so many others out there. Then you found us and realized you were not alone. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me when I get to comfort a diaper lover or adult baby who is confused. I remember how I felt when I learned there was a place for me, and for all of the things I liked. It’s refreshing to know there are people to turn to and tell your thoughts to. You’re not alone in […]
June 4, 2010

Sweet Baby Doll

Where is your Mommy? Well your Mommy is right here darling. You’re just a soft spoken little girl on the inside aren’t you? Mommy knows this, and can’t wait to make you look just like the sweet baby girl you are on the inside. We will start with cloth adult diapers and a frilly pair of rubber pants. Now my little darling you don’t have to worry about making tinkles in your panties anymore. Do you want to crawl up on Mommy’s lap and lay against her as she soothes […]
April 30, 2010

May is coming

  The weather is getting warm and it is time to go out and enjoy it. We’re about to start the month of May. Can you believe it is here already? It’s time for Mother’s Day and Memorial Day, what a busy month it will be. I’m glad for the nice weather. I hope it doesn’t get too hot for plastic panties for you. Mommy will make the most of it though. Mommy Scarlet
April 15, 2010

pantyhose are missing

Mommy goes through so many pairs of pantyhose and stockings. Do you know why? You do know why, because they keep ending up in your bedroom. I found your stash and am pretty upset because some of those I hardly got to wear before they made their way in here. Mommy is going to lock you in cloth diapers and plastic pants first, then I am going to keep you in a few pairs of pantyhose so you can get used to that feeling. I’m talking about one pair on […]
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