April 10, 2017

Sissy Bed Wetter Phone Sex

So you like to wet the bed do ya? Well do you remember what I said that would happen if you was to wet the bed again? Thats right I am going to force you to wear this adult diaper every time you lay down for a nap or go to bed! I have already added plastic covers to your mattress but that’s not an excuse to wet the bed! And for now since it’s only at night time when you do, So I am only going to diaper you […]
April 7, 2017

Sissy Girl Birthday Party

There is my pretty little Birthday Sissy Girl!  Mommy has a lot of things planned for us today! First thing first Before we get ready for your party mommy wants to give you a nice bubble bath in some lavender soap, that way you smell very pretty for your party! After your all done playing in the tub, I want you to come out and go into your room and open your first birthday present that mommy left on your bed. I love watching my little girl open and rip through her […]
January 28, 2017

Forced Phone Sex Sissy

Look at you walking in here, dressed like a man! Hoodie, jeans, and some sneakers…why are you trying to hide?  We both know what you really are, and everyone else should know that too.  The clothes you have on just don’t feel right, do they? Take off that ill-fitting, pathetic costume and go change into your real clothes! I laid out your good clothes across your bed; go change into them now, with no arguing.  I want to see you come back out in the pink frock with the colorful […]
January 27, 2017

No Beauty Pageant For Sissy Baby!

Where do you think you’re going little missy? Did I tell you that you could go and try on your brand new dressed that you abdl mommy just bought? No I didn’t! Omg is that a huge stain on it!!  I grab a hold of your hand and pull you over my lap and grab my belt and give you 30 spankings over my knee and then I  am going to walk you over to the corner and make you stand in it! Such a bad girl! You better hope […]
November 20, 2016

Want To Go Dress Shopping Part 2

now we put on your plastic panties and then some pretty white pantyhose right then a pretty hello kitty skirt and shirt that barely fits you! Now let’s grab your shoes and slide them on you and then your diaper bag and cup. Now its time to put you in your car seat and strap you in all nice and cozy! Now we are backing out of the driveway and we have a couple of stores we are going to go to the first one we pull into is old […]
November 14, 2016

Sissy Phone Sex

Turn off the porn clips. That’s good. Now I want you to pull up a picture of me and stand up in front of your computer. I think that is even better. Can you let me watch you jerk that cock to my instructions? If not I guess we’re on the honor system. How big is your cock. Touch it–tell me how it feels to be touching that cock for such a sweet, sissy girl. Tell me have you always liked exposing yourself to the young and tender? I enjoy […]
February 7, 2016

Spankings from Mommy

Part of being a mommy is even having to take care of the small stuff. When you are a diaper lover, you tend to think that you can backtalk your mommy because you are more mature than your adult baby brothers and sisters. This abdl mommy is here to remind you that this is most certainly not the case! When you have decided to submit and seek out a loving mommy to take care of you and change your diapers for you, you have also let her know that she […]
January 31, 2016

Stinky, Sagging Diaper

Sometimes, an abdl mommy does not have to do a thorough diaper check to see if their adult babies have left a mess for them in their diapers… Sometimes, all it takes is a mommy looking up from her magazine to see her little one waddling around with a bulging diaper swinging and swaying between their knees. My is that full! Sometimes, even worse, a mommy will not even have to look to see that full diaper… Sometimes her nose tells her all that she needs to know when the […]
January 20, 2016

Nursery Tales with Nanny Ella – Chapter 2

Hello my little ABDLs, I hope you are ready for more Nursery Stories! Now, I wonder what happened next… I stood for a few minutes after my boyfriend revealed his secret, that he was an Adult Baby, and he wore diapers when we weren’t together – sneaking them at work, or when I was out and about. My head was spinning a bit, so I sat down. I will admit, it took me a few minutes to recover…heck, maybe even a few days…But I’ve always been adventurous…and well, I guess […]
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