April 2, 2009

Need a sexy, loving Mommy?

Mommy Lauren is right here for you ready to pamper you and give you all you desire. Now, i’m not a strict Mommy but I do have my ruels and i’m not afraid to spank when I need to. Come to Lauren and let me hold you, rock you, sing to you and feed you my warm, sweet milk. Need a diapey change? Mommy L. can do that with the ultimate TLC. Go ahead you can do it…call me and let me take care of you. Muah…luv & laughter, Lauren
March 8, 2009

Who would you be?

Who would you be? What’s your all time favorite oldie? I would say mine is Gilligan’s Island. If I were to be any character on that show I would think I would be Maryann. I think Maryann would look so cute in a diaper and so would Gilligan! Who do you think better represents you? the professor? Gilligan? the Millionaire? Or maybe you were more of a Brady Bunch fan? Who would you have been Greg? Peter? Or Bobbie? I would love to be Carol Brady and take care of […]
February 23, 2009


Mommy Sara is wanting to play with all her babies. Mommy loves to breastfeed her abies and force them to wear diapers! Mommy can help you with that little stiff pee pee, Mommy promises to take special care of her lil ones. But if your naughty watch out because Mommy Sara will gladly take you over her knee! Mommy Sara 1888-430-2010
October 29, 2008

Happy Halloween

Hey there to all my ab/dl’s Nanny Rachel is anxiously waiting for your call to hear all about your costume for halloween. This time of year is always so much fun because you can be whatever you want to be. don’t shy I am here to tell all your dirty little secrets too. I will be waiting xoxoxoxox Nanny Rachel
June 9, 2008


                    Nurse Betty likes cozy intimate chats with my abie patients in private. Unlike many of the other nurses who are either too strict or too busy, I  always finds the time to listen and to please. Yes you can stroke my stockinged leg. All the way up to my panties if you like.  I’ll let you tease me through them, but maybe I’ll  draw the line at letting you pull […]
June 2, 2008


              Do you remember when you were a small infant? How blissful that was! Not a care in the world. Now you can regain that bliss by being one of the many adult babies wearing diapers.  I’m a Mommy and a Nurse so I know how to pamper my babies.  Posted by Nurse Betty Call Betty at 1 888 430-2010 http://www.phoneamommy.com/betty.html http://www.phoneamommy.com/main.html Add “PhoneNurseBetty” to YAHOO Messenger and tell me your naughty secrets  Â
May 26, 2008


Mommy opened up her closet today for a little sissy abie. Well mommy didn’t know her adult baby was a sissy at first. AB was watcing Mommy get dressed up. But abies favorite was watching me put on my make up cause I put a little bit of lipstick and blush on mommy’s abie. Then grabbed my pink scarf and wrapped it around his neck and tied it in a big bow. Mommy had a cute little sissy on her hands. Posted by Nurse Betty Call Betty at 1 888 […]
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