December 31, 2013

Shopping with ab

I like to shop for new rubber pant’s with ab . He is so excited he wet’s himself before we even leave the house. I have to change him and make sure to grab extra diaper’s or we will have accident’s as we shop. I scold him for fussing in the aisle cause I will not agree to buy him a toy what naughty ab! Mistress mommy will spank your ass red right here at the store better listen or I will no longer like  coming to get you for […]
April 30, 2011

Plastic Pants

Look at these plastic pants, dont you just love them! I sure do. And I am looking forward to put my diaper lovers and adult babies in these babies ! I want you to look and feel like the Baby you Are! And that begins with Mommy making you look as good as you can with these stylish and leak protection of course LOL. Looking forward to a Diaper Filled all year long! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
January 28, 2011

Sissy Pin Up

Isn’t this outfit so gorgeous? I want to put a sissy in something like this and take them for a photo shoot. Even better than that I would like to have twelve sissies to dress up like this and have them pose for Ms. Shirley’s Sissy Pin Up calendar. The we could have contests to see who was on each month. The best kisser for example might be on February for Valentine’s Day. The sissy who looked best in a swim suit would get June or August. The possibilities are […]
November 12, 2010

Ruffles and bows

What is it that is so appealing about rhumba panties? They’re adorable and I love them. They make baby girls feel prettier than they already were and they can make a baby boy feel either humiliated or precious or a good mix of both. Is it the fact that they just scream baby girl when you see them? I’m not sure but they are one of my favorite things to put a sissy baby in and even an abie girl or diaper girl. I wish I could sew well and […]
May 28, 2010

Getting cool

I want one of these sprinklers to play with my abies in. It’s getting warm, and here is a fun way to cool off. Can you picture Mommy rubbing sun block on you and then putting you into your little swimmy diaper so that we can play in the water? I can picture it. It’s warm outside and everyone is getting a little tired of playing blocks and dolls. It’s time to get out there and run under the sprinkler. It’s fun for babies of all ages, even the adult […]
May 19, 2010

adult plastic panties

Tommy loves his Mommy putting him in plastic pants. It started out as punishment because he kept wetting in the bed he shared with his wife. Finally she came to the realization Tommy is just a big baby who has no business in briefs when sleeping. So every night she puts him in cloth diapers and plastic pants, Easy enough solution to the problem right? I thought so. Talking to his wife and Mommy was wonderful, it felt good to be able to help her and to help Tommy. Adult […]
March 4, 2010

a true friend

  People on the phone and online ask me all of the time if my friends know what I am into or what I do (being a phoneamommy). Some of them do, and the ones I can trust with that are my true friends. It’s not so much that I think the others would hate me for it, but they are a bit close minded and may not understand and therefore judge. I am sure you all have friends like that, like both actually. I used to think that if […]
January 7, 2010

Sammy’s Potty Training

A very sweet little boy who goes by Sammy called Mommy not long ago. We have talked a few times before and usually it was about Mommy putting him back into diapers for being a poppy pants baby. He told Mommy he thought he was ready to be a big boy again, but might still need diapers at night and during his naps. I was so proud of Sammy when he kept his pull up dry and clean for me. So as a reward Mommy decided to paint his favorite […]
December 31, 2009

Happy New year to You

Happy New Year Wish My Happy New Year wish for you Is for your best year yet, A year where life is peaceful, And what you want, you get. A year in which you cherish The past year’s memories, And live your life each new day, Full of bright expectancies. I wish for you a holiday With happiness galore; And when it’s done, I wish you Happy New Year, and many more. By Joanna Fuchs   Happy New Year, Mommy Scarlet
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