December 18, 2008

take time for yourself

If you think you are having a bad day, just be glad you aren’t this cat. Life can always be worse. Seriously though, a lot of people have a hard time with the holidays. Be sure to get out and do things that are fun for you. While everyone is shopping go to the gym for a swim, or take a friend or two to the bowling alley. Whatever you choose it’s just important to think of yourself some too.   Mommy Scarlet  
November 13, 2008

Abie Baths

  One of my favorite ways to relax is in a tub full of bubbles. It’s no surprise that I like to give my abies bubble baths too. A sissy baby who can appreciate all of the beautiful bath scents mommy has will win my heart every time. On the shelf in my tub I keep bath salts and gels, and I keep a cup for easy hair washing. Abie can sit back and let Mommy pour warm water over his hair and neck. Just think how soothing a scalp […]
July 31, 2008

change me?

  We were talking on the forum about decorating diapers. Somehow we all decided to make a party game of truth or dare via Wisk on t-shirts. Paint something on someone’s shirt on the back that they have no idea about. Then when the black light comes on the words are visible and the others take turns either doing what is listed on someone’s shirt or taking a dare. Wouldn’t that be fun? You could write things like, “change me” “spank me” “get spanked by me” etc.. and see where […]
July 10, 2008

Baby Powder

    I was reading a women’s magazine that I picked up and saw an interesting article. Uses for baby powder. It is also good for keeping ants off of your picnic blanket. To do this you just sprinkle a baby powder barrier around it and they can’t get in. If you have necklaces that are tangled up then baby powder will help you untangle the chains. It is also good for removing bloodstains if you mix it with a little water and let it sit on the stain. Then you […]
July 3, 2008

Pretty Red White and Blue Diapers

    I went a little nuts with 4th of July stickers to stick to my abies diaper. I just want him to look his best you know, and celebrate the holiday in diapered style. It will have to be at nighttime since we will be around family during the day. Are any of you abies dressing up, even if it’s under your clothes?     Mommy Scarlet
May 15, 2008

Being a Better Mommy

It’s important to always try to learn new things about your baby. New twists to old favorite games, new ways to make them shiver with delight. Sometimes it feels like you have done everything under the sun that the two of you can do. We are always looking for things to add, change or try out. How I see it is that I am lucky to have my abie, and I don’t want to lose our ageplay   Mommy Scarlet
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