January 17, 2014

Take Your Medicine

Ya know, sometimes I have an ABie that just doesn’t want to listen and do as they are told.  They whine or do naughty things or have themselves a little temper tantrum.  This I simply won’t put up with.   Of course this lands them over my knee for a swift and harsh spanking.  But that’s not all – oh noooo.  Afterwards it’s time for them to take their medicine: a very large dose of castor oil.  Then I just sit back and watch the “medicine” do its work.  I watch […]
November 23, 2012

Enema for the Holidays

Did everyone enjoy their Thanksgiving!  I hope so.  Sometimes I have a very…unusual thought process.  Take for example this: as I was stuffing the thanksgiving bird, I was wondering – what if instead of stuffing a turkey, I was stuffing another type of white meat, hehe?  I would have buttered and oiled my little apprehensive morsel (namely you 😉 ).  And of course, I would have had to clean out the inner cavity and bowels properly, which means a very strong and effective enema.  I would tuck your knees under […]
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