March 23, 2009

All in a Day’s Work……

Oh, my little one you are all wet and sticky. What have you gotten into? Mommy Sara told you not to mess yourself. I told you to wear that diaper. But nooooo, you refused to listen to Mommy. That’s it! I’m done your gona get cleaned up and into that diaper if it’s the last thing I ever make you do! Now come on come with Mommy into the bathroom where I can wash you all up. First let me get those hands, you were diggin all in that messy […]
January 7, 2009

Ruffles on the butt!

Ruffles on the butt, ruffles on the butt! Ha ha ha coconut! *giggles* You’re a big sissy now, aren’t you? Being put into lots of ruffles and pink dresses. Ha ha ha you don’t look like yourself anymore. You’re just a sissy now. Pretty ribbons in your hair, stockings and those little mary janes. Schoolgirl shoes for you! Ha ha ha! Bet you have to play all those little girl games too, like jumprope and hopscotch. Perhaps you’re now a sissy maid, being forced to scrub the floors in your […]
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