August 22, 2013

A voice

The phone is ringing you are so nervous but did you ever think that person you have ask for is nervous also.She might think you don’t like her voice just because she is a older woman that enjoys her job of being who she is.You are thinking you are going to hear this sweet voice on the other end but what you get is this older woman’s voice that has seen and heard it all nothing surprises this lady.She can tell when she answers the phone that you are surprised […]
August 11, 2011

Summer Sissy Camp

  I think summer camp is an experience that every little one should have.  Now of course I always have to put my own little spin on it though.  I would send my little one to a ‘special’ camp – one that would send my unsuspecting little one into a panic once they realized what kind of camp it truly was – one that confiscates all their regular clothes and replaces them with pretty pink dresses and petticoats and little pink diapers…one that teaches them how to be gurlie and […]
July 8, 2011

Show and Tell

Nanny loves taking care of Adult Babies. Once in awhile I am called in to watch over older boys and girls who are getting to that age where they ask a lot of questions. Curiosity is encouraged and rewarded on my watch. When little ones have questions, I think they should be answered and the best way to learn is by having fun. I have so much fun when my boys start getting curious about the excited feelings they are getting. A game of show and tell can answer all […]
June 4, 2011

Normal is as Normal Does

  I hear it all the time – am I normal?  Is it normal for me to love diapers?  It can’t be normal to want to be treated like a baby, can it?  Well let me set the record straight – YES! You are normal!  Let me expand on that…you are normal for you.  And what other yard stick is there to measure your normalcy to? Everyone has their own likes, their own dislikes, their own preferences, and yes, their own idiosyncrasies.  What used to be considered abnormal 50 years […]
March 16, 2011

Diaper Changes

Its hard sometimes to find a quiet place to change a baby’s diaper because as we all know they wiggle and squirm. Babies one thing about them are not still no matter what you try to entertain them with while you are attending to their needs. But one thing is for sure when you get them all cleaned and diapered up they are back to being that happy little baby. Lily
January 18, 2011


What makes you smile so big and wide is it when granny takes you into her arms and holds you ever so tightly against her. Maybe its when she checks that diaper and makes a funny face looking down at you saying oh my i smell something down there.Or just maybe its when she changes that stinky diaper and give you a fresh bottle of milk and tucks a nice fuzzy warm blanket around you and rocks you to sleep sounds good to me. i enjoy teasing my little ones […]
January 1, 2011

Auld Lang Syne

Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And auld lang syne! Chorus.-For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne. We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet, For auld lang syne. Did you know? Although the song is traditionally sung at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve, in Scotland, where it originates, it is sung on January 25th aka Burns Night, in recognition and celebration of the author and famous poet Robert Burns. ‘Auld Lang Syne’ literally translates from […]
October 18, 2010

A Boy Named Sue

Well, my daddy left home when I was three, and he didn’t leave much to Ma and me, just this old guitar and a bottle of booze. Now I don’t blame him because he run and hid, but the meanest thing that he ever did was before he left he went and named me Sue. Well, he must have thought it was quite a joke, and it got lots of laughs from a lot of folks, it seems I had to fight my whole life through. Some gal would giggle […]
October 2, 2010

Bare or Hair?

There has been some discussion if ABies should shave from the neck down or not as of late.  I believe that this is a perfect example as to why all you little ones should indeed go bare. The only question now is should one use a blade, clippers, or wax.  Perhaps something a little more permanent – maybe electrolysis or laser treatments?  Me?  I think that I would like to use wax for my babies (and I’m talking about waxing them personally, or at least escorting them to the salon […]
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