May 22, 2011

Mature Sex

Is your girlfriend and her friends nothing but a little tease? Are you fed up with their games and stuck up attitudes? I bet you long to be with a more mature lady, one that knows how to handle herself, one that is comfortable with her sexuality, one that wants to fulfill your sexual desires. A woman who is not afraid of a little cum. One who doesn’t get giddy or squeamish in the site of your hard bulging cock? Oh no, that is not what a mature women would […]
May 2, 2010

Sissy Punishment

Sometimes I am not so nice. My sweet disposition and loving nature goes right out the window. It is replaced by something a lot more stern and demanding. Everyone makes mistakes, and will be forgiven for that mistake. That is the way it is supposed to be. However, keep repeating the same one over and over again, and do not learn by that mistake, then appropriate action can and will be taken. I am not above taking someone over my knee or making that person lean over a sofa or […]
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