December 3, 2012


I love this time of the year! I love the pretty lights and all the decorations, and I really love getting lots of presents hehehe! Since we have lots of places to go over the holidays and lots of fun stuff to do, Daddy said we had to go shopping for dresses. Guess what?! I LOOOVE shopping for pretty dresses!!!! We went to the big mall in town and went to my favorite store. I got to pick out lots and lots of pretty dresses and we went into the […]
December 27, 2009

What Did You Get

Was Santa good to you this year? Did you get anything good? I know some of my callers got some good stuff. Some received brand new Rhumba’s some received diapers, and toys. Some toys were naughty! For shame! lol Do you want to know what I got? Normal stuff. No diapers, no naughty toys, I am jealous of some of you lol. Stacie 1-888-430-2010
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