April 9, 2010

Bath Time!

Wanna hop in the bath with Mommy little boy? Mommy loves her baths especially this time a year, after all the spring cleaning mommy does all day there is nothing better than relaxing in a hot, bubble filled tub. And enjoying that time with Mommies little boy only makes it all that much sweeter. We can take turns washing washing each other and of course playing games like “blowing the bubbles off mommies boobies” and “parking the submarine” ends the night just right! Hurry up baby Mommy is filling the […]
February 28, 2010

Let is Snow, let it snow…

Don’t ya just love the snow? Covering everything in a soft, white blanket, making everything seem so calm and peaceful? Yeah, yeah, I know – SHUT UP YOU! By now I figure there are quite a few of you that are just sick and tired of that dreaded white stuff and all that comes with it – the back breaking shoveling, the endless cancellations, the icy roads. Ready for the summer to hurry up and get here yet? I bet a lot of you are, huh? You say that now, […]
October 11, 2009

Baking Time

Fall and Winter are my favorite times of the years, summer can suck it! lol Anyway, one of the reasons that it is, that it seems like this is when Mom’s, Grandma’s, Sister’s, yadda yadda bake. There is nothing better, then being outside running around, having some fun in the cool crisp air, then coming into the house and being met by the awesome aroma of fresh cookies or pie or bread or cake or whatever. It’s the most comforting feeling in the world. Now usually when I bake my […]
September 27, 2009

Wanted: Abie for a Good Home

Calling all little boys who want a mommy to take care of them. Mommy Gina knows just what you need. Come climb up on my lap and whisper in my ear your secrets. Were you a bad little boy? Do you have a boo-boo that Mommy Gina needs to kiss and make all better? Now don’t lie to me – or Mommy Gina will have to punish you. But if you’re a good boy. I’ll hold you close to my bosom and rock you gently. Do you have a favorite […]
April 30, 2009

Diaper Dreams

Mommy Lauren was talking to one of her most special abies on the phone and he told me about a very happy dream that he had. My abie had a special dream that Mommy Lauren brought home a most wonderful surprise a beautiful basket full of assorted diapers. Disposable and cloth of every single color and style. As my abie looked through the basket with much delight he also found plastic panties in all colors some with ruffles some plain and matching bonnets and bibs. We spent the entire afternoon […]
April 5, 2009


Well good morning my sweet little boy, how was your nap? Mommy needs her little boy. Mommy has no one to please her. Cum crawl into Mommy’s bed. Here sweetie, take your hand and rub Mommy’s full breast, oh my silk, pink pjs are so soft aren’t they? Can you feel Mommy’s nipples getting hard as you rub Mommy?. Oh, my sweet little angel, that feels so nice Mommy is become very turned on by your little hand on Mommy’s breast. Oh, what is that I see happening in baby’s […]
March 19, 2009

Spring Fever!

Recently the weather has been quite the mood changer. It’s beautiful and warm one day and cold and rainy the next. The beautiful warm weather has me longing to get outside and experience some things that I have missed all winter like my running. The treadmill is just not cutting it! Of course, being a nurse, I know the importance of staying in shape so I do it, but it’s a drudgery. I so long to feel the sun on my face, the wind blowing against me and my heart […]
February 18, 2009

Will you?

Will you be the one who finally holds me down long enough to force a diaper on me? Will you be the one to finally conquer me and make me submit to your diaper fantasies? Will you love changing my diaper? Will you get a little frisky with me in the process? *giggles* I look forward to finding out if you’re the one who can do all these things for me. CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
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