January 21, 2009

My sweet pet "J"

My sweet pet “J” went above and beyond this week. I asked him for a photo of the cute Valentine’s Day socks he’d just bought to wear for me, the ones that are pink and white and red with little hearts and sparklies on them. I’m sure you’ve seen something like them. I only asked for a picture of the socks themselves. Well silly pet “J” didn’t listen yet again, and he actually sent me a picture of him wearing them! *giggles* What a silly pet. Almost got caught wearing […]
January 14, 2009


Cousins, how could you live without us really? We’re there for you, we’ll change your diapers for you, we’ll laugh with you, we’ll laugh at you…*giggles*. We’ll play with you, we’ll babysit you. Most of all we’ll always be here for you. We’re here when you need someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, or some encouragement. Of course we’re always willing to poke fun at you too. Go on, say the word. We’re listening! CousinJenna 1 888 430-2010
December 26, 2008

A Holiday Gift

I was thinking what can I get for all the ABDL and diaper lovers out there. You know a special kind of gift just from me to them. Well I got to thinking and I am always being asked to post a picture of me wearing diapers. Well I figured a friend was coming over I might as well have him take a sexy picture of me on my couch in my diapers. I decided yes this would be the perfect gift for everyone. So without further a due here […]
November 12, 2008

Food fun

There’s just something about fruit. It’s tasty. It’s filling. It’s good for you. And it’s great to share! I love taking fruit and cutting it up and sharing it with that someone special bit by bit. I love it when fresh pineapple drips down my hands and you need to lick up the juices. I love eating fruit off your body, nibbling it and licking it up. I love to have fun and play “catch” with your diaper, seeing how much fruit I can toss into it from across the […]
October 28, 2008

Spookies Are A Comin'

It’s that time of year again, when all the goolies and spookies and witchies come out to play. What will you be doing this upcoming Friday night? I would love to hear about it, IM me at [email protected] and tell me all about it 🙂 . I would love to hear what your plans are. Have a safe and Happy Halloween! Mommy Liz
August 8, 2008

Oh Mandy

So, I was surfing youtube out of boredom and I came across a video by Westlife called ‘Mandy’. It’s an accurate song, it says ‘Oh Mandy, you came and you gave without taking’ and it’s true! You can come to me and I will give without taking 🙂 Unless you want me to, tee hee. *Mandy* 1888-430-2010
July 10, 2008

Baby Powder

    I was reading a women’s magazine that I picked up and saw an interesting article. Uses for baby powder. It is also good for keeping ants off of your picnic blanket. To do this you just sprinkle a baby powder barrier around it and they can’t get in. If you have necklaces that are tangled up then baby powder will help you untangle the chains. It is also good for removing bloodstains if you mix it with a little water and let it sit on the stain. Then you […]
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