April 11, 2010

Don't Swat A Fly

This is a just a silly song that I sing to myself sometimes. It always manages to put a smile on my face and even makes me laugh a little every time I hear it or sing it. I was just a kid when my daddy said to me Son there’s much to learn in this life. And so there beneath a tree, he sat me on his knee He said there’s dangers in this world So follow my advice. Don’t swat a fly that’s landed on a pitbull Don’t […]
November 26, 2009

diapering thoughts

I’ve been chatting with an online acquaintance I had lost contact with until today. I forgot how adorable he was though, what a pity. Since then I have just been thinking of how cute his bottom would look thickly diapered. Or how slowly I would rub baby lotion over it. He has one behind I would take my time with. I kind of think all cute butts need to be powdered and then diapered, don’t you?   Mommy Scarlet
October 29, 2008


Redheads have all the fun, it’s true.  Think of a redhead you know, they are quirky, witty, outlandish, outspoken, versitile, and funny.  I am all that and a Mommy too for the ABDL community.  Come spend some time with me on the phone, and find out for yourself. Maggy 1 888 430 2010
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