January 31, 2010

Dont go Messin with a

Now this is one Sissy Bitch I dont think is gona be to keen on being Dominated. What ya think, think I can take him? A dominate sissy, hmmmm, I must say I never knew there could be such a thing. He might make a good partner to all those snuff calls I get! Ready for some hardcore action? Well then my little gimp dial 1 888 430 2010. Mizz Rebecca
January 17, 2010

Scarf to keep you warm

Here is a great new accessories that everyone should have in their closet this year. It also looks like a great way to keep warm, all snuggled up in portal boobies. I wonder what the laws of incident exposure thinks of this new dress gear? I would love to wear this while walking past the Police station and see what they would say. What do you think, think it would become a scandal here in the US? Well I say its a great Scarf and a Must have! Rebecca 1 […]
December 6, 2009

You Saw Mommy What?

Yes, I know some of the babies were scared to death awakening to such a sight, others became very jealous and had to be given a spanking, NyQuil and sent back to bed, while the sissy boys were dressed up as a little toy doll and made to give Santa a blow job in exchange for their Christmas toys. All awhile Daddy snored up a storm drunk from the laced eggnog Mommy gave him earlier that evening. Want your toys this year youngins? Then I suggest babies stay in their […]
November 14, 2009

The Season of Giving!

While all us Mommies add more to our wish list and all you babies write your list for Santa, let us not forget those who may not be as fortunate as us this Holiday Season. Every Year your Mommy Rebecca partakes in helping the Salvation Army prepare meals for Thanks Giving and buys gifts for the local Fire Department Toy Drive. So here is a great site I wanted to share with you in helping you find the right charity organization. Just visit this site and see if there is […]
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