February 10, 2013

Diapered Husband

Your wife called me today. And yes YOU know who YOU are. lol She was pretty hot with you. I bet at this very moment she has you over her knee and is reddening that little tush,LOL! She warned me that you will be calling me later tonight for some AB sitter punishment after she is done with you. You are also to confess and to tell me what punishment she doled out so that I can come up with something suitable to go along with it. So apparently you […]
January 27, 2013

Mommy is just not going to have this silly nonsense anymore. Little AB boys DO NOT put their hands in their diapers. And they DO NOT look at naughty pics on the computer when Mommy or the AB sitter are not looking. Mommy has had quite enough. It is time for drastic measures. I have a few ideas in mind to punish you and deter you from sneaking a wank in your wet diaper. Yes, that means diaper chastity. Locking diapers and chastity devices will need to be employed for […]
January 20, 2013

From sissy maid to sissy AB

This is what a proper sissy maid does. I expect you to show up on my door step, fully dressed and ready to WORK. after I have put you through your paces and shown you what real house cleaning is, then I will reward you with some mommy/sissy AB play time. But first you are going to be a big girl and clean mommy’s house properly. You will clean the toilets, vacuum, dishes, trash and you will take care of some of mommy’s most prized possessions. My extensive shoe collection. […]
April 3, 2011

Rubber Pants

Mommy has decided to changed you back into cloth diapers with a new pair of rubber pants to keep you in. I know you will love the feel of them and the comfort they bring. This will keep you from leaking and making such a mess all over. I know they are a little snug and you *gasp* at the color Mommy picked for you, but dont you worry because Mommy will find the cutest sissy dress to match! Mommy Lauren 1 888 430 2010
February 13, 2011

Happy Valentines Day from Mommy

I hope that each and every one of you has a nice valentines Day. If you’re like me and not a huge Hearts day fan then it’s not that big of a day, but I hope it’s a good one whether you’re all for it or over it. Consider yourselves hugged and kissed from me to you. In other news it’s going to be a good valentines day for one of my sissies. I’ve been working with him and trying to help him get over his fears of being diapered […]
January 28, 2011

Sissy Heaven!

OMG! Did I just die and go to Sissy Heaven? I think I did!!!! A full Sissy Make-over is what I am thinking. Oh yes, complete from head to toe transformation. Just look at what we have to play with all frilly and cute and makeup to boot! Bubble bath, shaving cream, face mask, body gel OMG you will smell delightful my pretty little sissy! Oh, when I am done with you my pretty princess you will be turning all those heads *hehehe* Mommy Rebecca 1 888 430 2010
January 12, 2011

so cold

It is so very cold outside little babies. Do you know where Mommy has been hiding out? I've been wrapped up in my blankets in front of the heat. Yesterday I even decided it was time to get diapered. It's a feeling I haven't enjoyed much recently but I put one on yesterday. The ground was covered in a blanket of snow and I was covered in a disposable diaper and a thick warm blanket. I have to say, life was good. Mommy Shirley
January 7, 2011

Spanking you

Over the holidays I had more sweets than I normally would. So now that they are over I want to get back to my favorite way to burn off calories. What might that be? Spanking and playing with abies. I’m sure that many of you are in need of getting your bottoms warmed up .On your end you might be surprised to know that masturbation can burn 300 calories. So it’s my opinion that we start working together to get rid of some of the holiday calories together. Mommy Scarlet
October 8, 2010

Mommy’s Helper

The first few days after bringing baby home from the hospital can be overwhelming for Mommy to say the least. Mommy loves to have helpers when it comes to caring for newborns. Big sisters make great Mommy’s helpers. This can be true with newborn adult babies also. Here at phoneamommy land there are some of the best big sister’s and sitters you will ever meet. If your fantasy is to be coddled and played with by Mommy and big sis then you can have it here with any combination of […]
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