April 2, 2010

New Easter Dress

Now won’t my baby girl look so precious in your new Easter Dress! I love to go shopping for Spring clothes. All the frilly dresses and bonnets, all the accessories, gloves, shoes, beads, and all the panties and training bras *giggles*. I look forward to getting my little girl all diapered and dolled up! Oh what fun Easter is! Mommy Sara 1 888 430 2010
December 10, 2009

other babies

I get all mushy when I talk to sweet abies here. When I see an adult baby being cute and cuddly that makes my heart melt also. Other babies can do it too, mostly baby animals. This little furry baby called me the other night and said he wanted Mommy to care for him as a baby polar bear. This is the sort of image I had in my head as we talked. He had a soft voice, but I pictured him as a tiny white furbaby. Could you picture […]
November 22, 2009

Sissy gets spanked…again

What’s that Baby J? You wet your pretty panties again? Why didn’t you tell mommy you had to go potty? Now look at thos pretty panties mommy picked out for you all soaked. What am I going to do with you? Go get  mommy the paddle. If I have to go get the paddle you are really going to get it… Mommy gives spanks Mommy Josie **ask for Mommy Josie’s “turkey special” to get a special rate of 1.79/min now through Nov. 30.
November 19, 2009

Snow Angel

I opened up my e-mail today and found this picture. Can’t say that I have ever seen a snow angel quite like this.  Don’t you think someone could use at least a diaper though? Mommy could take him in and get him warmed up and then powdered and into a thick cloth diaper. Our snow angel would be much happier then I would guess. It’s nothing a little bottle of warm milk and diapers couldn’t fix. My vote is for them to keep the halo and wings though. Scarlet
October 11, 2009

So I’m spanking this little brat for getting into trouble AGAIN and between all his crying he manages to get out: “you’re mean, Mommy Lexus!” haha, did you think that was going to hurt my feelings? oh dear. No, sweetheart, I know I’m a bitch, but that’s what you need to relax. Until you learn to behave, I’m not getting any nicer. Call it negative reinforcement. If you want a sweet Mommy, behave. Simple as that. Ask the good abies around here. When you behave, I can be sweet like […]
October 2, 2009

New Panties

Check out the new panties I got. Are they not the best panties ever!! Now I usually do disposables but on occasion I like to play in cloth. And who could pass these up? I know a certain lil sissy who will be very happy to see these also. If she is a very good girl, maybe mommy will give them to her. Mommy Josie
October 1, 2009

Sweet As Pie

Many many sissy babies call me. And I have to say that I love and adore each and every one. I spend so much time with lovely sissies that sometimes they are all I speak to on any given day. Which is 100% fine with me. I love to play dress up, and have tea parties, and take them to the salon with Mommy to get their hair done and nails. They are sweet as pie 🙂 . I’m southern and I know pie! lol Liz 1-888-430-2010
September 27, 2009

Mommy Lexus has no choice but to put you in diapers!

Mommy is so disappointed in you right now! You wet your pants at the mall and now I have no other choice than to put a diaper on you, after cleaning up your weewee butt of course. Now that you have a diaper on, I’m going to treat you like the aby you are, not the grown up man that you’re pretending to be! That includes you drinking out of a baby ba ba & sucking on a binky. Mommy Lexus can be a very nurturing mommy, all I want […]
September 27, 2009

Wanted: Abie for a Good Home

Calling all little boys who want a mommy to take care of them. Mommy Gina knows just what you need. Come climb up on my lap and whisper in my ear your secrets. Were you a bad little boy? Do you have a boo-boo that Mommy Gina needs to kiss and make all better? Now don’t lie to me – or Mommy Gina will have to punish you. But if you’re a good boy. I’ll hold you close to my bosom and rock you gently. Do you have a favorite […]
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